Page 9 of Loki's Luck
“Prez, can we get him off the table and back to the compound?” Beau asks, walking into the room.
“Oh, hey, Beau, what are you doing here?” my pet innocently asks the prospect.
I growl at the thought of her knowing the little shit before me, remembering the look on his face when he was texting her. My blood boils as I recall all my conversations with him about her—about my woman.
“If you’re going to growl like that big guy, at least turn me around and do it in the right spot. I love a good motorboating session,” my woman sasses at me, and fuck, her mouth has me practically drooling.
“Come on, let’s get him off the table and out of here,” Swifts says, sighing.
“Oh, come on! You guys are ruining all my fun!” she huffs, and I need to see her. I turn her in my arms and stare down at the beauty currently in the throes of torture, covered in blood and pieces of skin. God, that has to be sexier than her being in the throes of passion… maybe. Probably not. We’ll just have to see about that later.
“Fuckers! What the fuck is wrong with you ruining EVERYTHING!” she yells in my face; I tilt my head to the side and lock my eyes with her fiery ones just as my grin makes another appearance. Shit, this woman has me hard as fuck, and my insides blazing to possess every inch of her.
I look at my brothers and see them all staring at her in shock. No one ever raises their voice to me. Well, not twice, at least. Usually, people see me coming and avoid me at all costs. If it isn’t the deadly persona, it’s the crazy fucking look on my face. This woman doesn’t give two shits, and fuck, I think I’m in love.
She finally takes a breath, and I cut in. “Pet, I got something for you to play with.” I can’t take it anymore; I lean down and slam my mouth on hers. I know she probably tastes the blood from her breaking my nose, but the way she attacks me back and climbs me like a fucking tree tells me she doesn’t fucking care.
If I wasn’t in love before, I sure as fuck am now.
Man, I was having the time of my fucking life before these assholes showed up. I had just walked through the door last night when the fucker currently tied to my kitchen table came up behind me and tried to take liberties with me.
Fuck. That.
I quickly called on all the Taekwondo lessons I had never actually taken; I had just watched them on TV. I brought my elbow out and back right into his solar plexus. Then I brought my head back and knocked his face in. I quickly started kicking ribs, balls, face, anywhere I could, until I heard him groan and fall into the fetal position. I grabbed the lamp by the door and brought it down hard on his head. He was out like a light.
I’ll admit, though, carrying the bastard and trying to get his big ass onto the table was a difficult feat. He isn’t fat or anything, but he’s twice my size, so it made it a bit more complicated. Eventually, I got him up there, and then the fun really started. Last night I had to waste my playtime when I spent an hour figuring out who the fucker was. Needless to say, I was a bit irritated; some people have no consideration for others' time. Then, he finally spilled the beans when I got creative. He was a customer who apparently wanted me, and I didn’t spare him a second glance.
Do you know what the worst thing about being a female is sometimes? When men think just because you have a vagina, they have liberties to said vagina. My pretty kitty is picky as fuck, and it has every fucking right to be. I don’t want some random fuck all up inside me. God knows where he’s been.
Once I figured out who he was, I used my nail gun on his hands and legs and glue for his hair. I wanted to make sure he… stuck around a while. Hey, I was being nice—after all, I could have used gorilla glue instead of crazy glue. After that, I changed into my comfy owl PJs and had the best night's sleep of my life. Hearing his moans, groans, and screams for help was like a lullaby, and I slept like a baby.
The best part about living out here in this shithole is not having many people around. The ones who are, don’t want to get up in your business or don’t want the cops sniffing around the place. I’m pretty sure there’s a weed farm right past my backyard. Oh, but wait, I’m getting off-topic—the real fun with the fucknuts started this morning.
I woke up energized and refreshed, looking forward to my play plans today. Throwing on some music, I danced over to greet my VIP guest and made breakfast. As I started digging into the most important meal of the day, I was getting irritated trying to balance the plate over the fucker’s head. He wanted to be rude and started squirming, so I used the nail gun to give him a cute earring stud. He should really thank me for the lovely accessories. I let him know that if he kept moving, I would give him a matching piece not only in his other ear but also in his lip, tongue, and nose. He took my advice and stayed still after that. Huh, I guess the fucker isn’t that stupid after all. After breakfast, I finally used the custom carbon steel throwing knives my dad left me. I don’t remember much of him. He died when I was little, but I remember him giving me these and knowing I would treasure them forever.
I can’t contain my excitement; let the games begin.
I got in a few throws and slices at him before I decided what I really wanted was to make this fucker pay for even thinking of touching a woman without her permission. I know I probably wasn’t the first one, but I would be the last. Right then and there, I formed the plan. Crazy Glue his dick to the table, wait to see if he ripped it off, then shove it down his throat. Bouncing on the balls of my feet excitedly, I calculate how long it’ll take for the fucker to cry.
Unfortunately, I was only on the first part of my plan when I was so rudely interrupted. Hearing Beau’s voice made me focus and calm. When I was grabbed from behind, I didn’t know if it was my victim’s accomplices, the cops, or just some random thugs off the street. I didn’t fucking care who the fuck it was; they were in my playhouse. I wanted to finish with my fun, but they ruined it all. Now, I’m pouting, and I hate that even more, so when I turn and see the hottest guy I’ve ever seen in my life smiling at me with a crooked nose and bloody teeth, I go on the defensive. Instead of attacking that beautiful mouth, I yell right in his face. Instead of getting mad, screaming, or hitting me, this god of a man does something even more unexpected. The crazy fucker kisses me, completely devouring my mouth.
What’s a girl to do but kiss him back? I wouldn’t pass this chance up for the world. I moan into his mouth as he pushes his tongue past my lips. I barely taste the blood, only his unique manly flavor, and I’m addicted. I’m instantly on fire with just his mouth on mine, about to combust, and I need more. I pull myself up against his body, trying to get closer to that taste, closer to him. I feel my back hit my kitchen wall, hard. Then he’s pushing his hips into me, and I can feel every. Single. Inch of him. It’s not enough, there are too many clothes in the way. I moan again as he kisses down my jaw and over to my ear. He bites my ear hard, and I squeal and moan at the pain and pleasure.
“Fuck, you’re like granite,” I say breathlessly, biting into his shoulder as he continues to kiss down my neck. I moan again when I feel his hands moving up my sides, then to my breasts, and I feel a pinch straight to my hard nipple.
“Fuck, should we give them some alone time? I’d tell them to get a room, but… it’s Loki,” I hear Beau say.
“Loki, get your fucking ass over here,” another one says, but I’m lost to the world this man is teleporting me to. I feel the man under me growl, pull a knife from his back, and throw it at the man who made the comment. He barely misses the guy, and the knife plants itself in the wall behind him.
“I know you got that fucking close on purpose, fucker. If you draw blood, I’ll shoot your ass right here,” the man says, rolling his eyes.
“Grease, leave him the fuck alone before one of you actually kills the other. Come on, we’ll wait outside for the prospects and the SUV. Loki, whatever you’re going to fucking do, make it fast. I’m ready to get back to Piper,” another guy says before ushering everyone out of the room.