Page 44 of Serpentine
It’s strange to see such hardened men doing such simple things for their community and looking to enjoy themselves, too.
“Earth to Aella,” Brax says, and I turn back toward him.
“Huh? Sorry, I didn’t hear you.”
He laughs. “I know you didn’t hear me. I asked you three times what you wanted to do first.”
I smile and look around, my eyes landing on the Ferris wheel before I lift my arm and point. “Can we go on with that?”
“We can do whatever you want to, Bambi. This is your night.”
My night!
Something about it makes me beam as he leads me toward the Ferris wheel. The man at the gate wants tickets. At least, he asked the people before us for their ride tickets. But he sees us and just motions for us to get on.
There are a few younger-looking couples on ones near us. One man has his hand sliding up his girl’s leg, and she’s blushing. They’re going on this ride for more than a bit of fun. It makes my cheeks heat as Brax opens the door to a swaying pod for me to enter.
I get on, he follows, shuts the door behind him, and then sits beside me.
“Should we sit on the same side?” I ask nervously as the ride moves slowly, and his weight causes us to lean slightly backward.
He laughs darkly. “Scared, Bambi?”
“N—No, I was just…”
He eyes me strangely. “Come on, you’ve been on one before, right? It won’t tip…” He trails off, noticing my fear as we lift further off the ground.
“You’ve never been on a Ferris wheel?” he asks. His tone is laced with pity.
“No, okay?” I rush out, grabbing for the pod’s side as if it’ll save me if we flip over. “I’ve never been to a carnival, theme park, fair, nothing. Carter and my father kept me on a shelf like a breakable doll, Braxton. What don’t you two get about that? I’ve done none of the things I’ve done with you since you took me!”
He registers the fear in my voice and nods. He gets onto the floor and motions for me to sit with him.
I roll my eyes. “I’ll be fine. It’s just…we’re so high!”
He smiles. “Get down here, Bambi. It’ll level us out, and you won’t be able to see how high we are. You’ll be along for the ride.”
I slide off the bench and land next to him. The pod sways, and I close my eyes, my chest rattling with fear.
“You’re alright, Bambi. Remember, you’re with me.” I open my eyes when I feel his breath on my cheek.
“Can I admit something to you, and you won’t judge me for it?” I whisper.
He nods. “I’ll never tell a soul, sweet deer.”
I try to think past the nicknames he throws at me like fucking candy on Halloween.
He leans in, his eyes on my lips.
They part, and a soft breath leaves me. “I’m so glad you kidnapped me. I wasn’t alive until I met you.”
His lips connect with mine, and suddenly, I’m flying.
Not because I’m on the Ferris wheel.
Because I’m his sweet Bambi.
Back on the ground, we’re waiting in line for a funnel cake when the girl in front of me looks over her shoulder at me for the fifth time. Annoyed, I finally registered it.