Page 58 of Serpentine
I look over her body at Blaze, and he shrugs as he dons gloves.
I bend and let my lips skim her ear. Her slight gasp is audible only to me, but I know Blaze can see how she tries to turn into my face and how the slightest proximity to one another affects us both.
“Now, be a good girl and tell your president where you want your Cobra, princess,” I tell her, letting my tongue dart out and tickle her ear.
She moans, her breathing picking up. “Wherever you want it,” she answers.
“Mm, I like that, Aella. You’ll let me pick where to mark you?”
She nods, whimpering as I reach up and turn her face toward me with my thumb and forefinger.
“What about Brax? Can he choose where he wants to mark you?” Her eyes are growing heavy the more I tease her.
I’m convinced this is something between us. It has to be. Either that or my gut is losing its touch.
She nods. “Both of you can choose.”
I nod, dropping my hand away.
She deflates and turns her head back, facing the front, so I can’t see the disappointment at losing my touch.
I dial Brax.
“What? I told you I’m working!” he grumbles through the speakerphone.
I place it toward Aella. “Ask your vice president where he wants to mark you?”
She shivers, and I have to wonder why, but I remain stoic.
“Where do you want to mark me, sir?” she asks, and the use of sir has just gotten under my fucking skin, and I know it has Braxton, as well.
He clears his throat, clearly just as bothered by her as I am, and I smirk. Even though he’d usually be dug in right now, she breaks through that cloud for him. It means more to me than anything else in the world.
Because even though I have always wanted to be that person for him, I’m glad he’s found her.
“Between your breasts. So when I’m fucking that tight little cunt of yours, I can watch it dance,” Braxton says, and I have to clear my throat to remain unaffected.
She turns her head toward me. “Do you agree?”
I nod, looking at Blaze as he unstraps her from the bench to lie on her back on the bed.
“See you soon, Brother,” I tell Brax, and he says the same in return before hanging up.
Her legs dangle off the bed, her breasts covered by her hands that hold them apart as Blaze sets the stencil in the correct position before sticking it to her flesh.
The cobra will be tail-end between her breasts, body snaking down over the belly button, mouth open and ready to strike on her lower belly.
We all have massive tattoos, each in a unique spot. I have to say, as I come to a halt between her thighs, looking down as Blaze works, I’m glad I’d thought to include Braxton in this decision. Watching it dance is going to become my new obsession.
“We’ll do the shading once this heals,” Blaze tells her, wiping her clean of the soap once he’s done with all the line work.
It had been a grueling few hours, but she’d taken it like a fucking champ.
“Now,” I say, and she sits on the bed. When Blaze gets to the first step, she frees her breasts, wincing when the weight of them presses against the fresh tattoo.
I clear my throat. “Let me get your shirt.” I turn to grab her a shirt, and when I turn back, she’s standing naked before me.
I swallow.