Page 74 of Serpentine
Racing there on the open road under the nearly full moon gives me a thrill. One that screams at me to turn around, but my belly jumps with excitement when I don’t heed its demands.
When I pull onto the property, I check for headlights behind me. The only ones in the rearview are so far off that they couldn’t be following me. I shut off my car lights and immediately turn onto the drive. They’ll think I sped off if they saw me at all.
The third bay to the end of the clubhouse is open, lights spilling across the gravel. There’s no big party tonight, though. No fire is going where the chairs surround the pit. No music greets my ears when I shut off the Lexus and get out.
Only the sound of tools clanking makes my heart speed up as gravel crunches beneath my sandals. My stomach is nearly in my throat when I stop at the open bay door.
Braxton is in work pants, no shirt, and boots. He wipes sweat from his brow with his greasy forearm before he mutters something under his breath and throws down a wrench.
When he looks up, he meets my eyes and stands.
“Bambi,” he growls, his eyes growing darker than I’ve ever seen them.
“I know you’re probably angry with me, and I couldn’t rest with the thought in my head that you are. I’m sorry, Brax. I shouldn’t have left how I did…”
He rushes me, and I go back into the night, afraid of what he’ll do. For a split second, I remember the brute of a man who’d taken me and stuffed me into my trunk. I pocket my key as my ass hits the chilled hood of the Lexus behind me.
His hands grab both sides of my face. “You left me.”
I nod. “I didn’t think I could stand to say goodbye, but it ate at me all fucking day long.”
“You weren’t supposed to come back.”
That’s another correct statement. Miles will kick my ass once he knows I went against a direct order. Now that I am a Cobra, I don’t know the punishment. I nod again.
“You came back,” his breathy statement makes a tingle leave my heart and jolt through my body.
“I did. I always will.”
His eyes assess me before his mouth crashes against mine. It’s different from before. It’s more indulgent than either of them has kissed me before. Hungry, almost. It is as if the nearly full moon makes him feral, and he needs flesh to transform from man to beast.
It only takes a second before he’s tearing at my clothes, and I’m letting him. I unbutton his pants, and this time, he doesn’t hesitate to let me.
He’s sweaty and smells of man and machine, but it only makes me want him more. I never saw my first time being on the hood of a car, but there was something so right about fucking on the very car he’d used to steal me.
To liberate me from a world I didn’t fit in.
“Brax, don’t stop. Give me everything,” I breathe as his lips skim my neck and his fingers find my entrance.
He doesn’t stop. His fingers sink inside me, using my wetness as a lubricant. There’s a slight discomfort at the intrusion, but I know it needs to happen.
It feels so good. I’ve had an itch for so long that I’d grown numb to it, but now it’s back and scratched at. It’s being obliterated.
“So fucking tight, Bambi. I’m going to ruin this cunt,” he snarls, biting my bottom lip between his teeth.
“It’s yours to ruin,” I moan.
“You sure you don’t want me to get my brother? We can finish this together.”
His mouth steals my breath away again, making it impossible to breathe. I shake my head and pull free from his lips. “No. This is ours. Only ours.”
He pulls his fingers back, and I nearly whimper at the loss. “Please,” I beg, and it’s a tone I’ve never heard before. I surprise myself.
“So needy for me, aren’t you?” he teases, letting his hand sink to his cock and stroke a few times.
I nod, leaning back and scooting my ass to the edge of the hood. “You have no idea.”
He smirks, leaning over me and letting himself go. His hands slam down on either side of me on the hood, and I’m not sure there won’t be dents in the morning.