Page 20 of Shadows (Lux 0.5)
She was falling for Dawson in spite of the fact that she knew there were things he was hiding from her. Falling hard. But he wasn’t the only one holding back. If Bethany was being honest with herself—which she was—she had to admit that she had been holding back, too.
Rolling onto her side, she grabbed her phone. A master plan formed in her mind as she sent Dawson a quick text, inviting him over to her house on Saturday.
His response was immediate.
What time?
Now she just needed to break the news to her parents.
Chapter 9
Dawson didn’t need directions to Beth’s house, but he went through the motions of asking for them anyway. It wasn’t as totally stalkerish as it looked, though. Mainly it was due to the fact that it really wasn’t that hard to find anything around Petersburg. Especially when you knew the layout of the area as well as he did.
Ever since the day outside of the school, when he pulled the Superman-speed crap, he felt like he was walking around on pins and needles. Bethany hadn’t brought it up again, but he knew she was thinking about it. Every so often, he caught her looking at him as if she were trying to really see him. See behind the clothes and the skin, to what really existed underneath.
Part of him liked that. The other part was terrified. If she ever found out…
Easing the Jetta down the narrow road choked with elm trees, he took a deep breath. No doubt she wouldn’t want anything to do with him if she knew that more than 90 percent of his DNA was from out of this solar system.
Was it wrong, lying to her? He wasn’t sure. Honestly, he’d never even asked himself that when he’d messed around with human girls before.
He had no clue what that really said about him.
The old farmhouse came into view, rising up against the gray skies of early April, and he saw three cars parked out front. One was a Porsche, which he knew belonged to her uncle.
Dawson had been surprised when she’d asked him last night if he wanted to come over. From what he’d gathered, her parents would flip if she brought a boy home. But here he was.
He parked the car and climbed out, smoothing his hands over his jeans. Probably should’ve worn something nicer. Not that he met a lot of human parents, since his interactions with human girls didn’t get this far.
Stopping in front of the door, he let out a long breath. Sneaking out so that Dee didn’t question where he was going had been the hard part. Parents would be a piece of cake.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Mom and Dad will be so proud that she brought home an alien.
Before he could knock on the door, it opened, revealing a tall, slender woman who looked waaay too young to be Bethany’s mom. Eyes that matched Bethany’s met his. The woman blinked and looked like she wanted to take a step back.
“You must be Dawson,” she said, placing a hand against her chest.
Dawson smiled. “Yes, ma’am. I’m here to see Bethany.”
Footsteps pounded down the stairs, cutting off Mrs. Williams’s response. Bethany appeared behind her mom, eyes wide. She wiggled around her, grabbing Dawson’s hand. She pulled him inside.
“Mom, meet Dawson. Dawson, meet Mom.”
Her mom arched a brow. “That’s not how you typically introduce people, Bethany.”
“Works for me,” she quipped, tugging him toward the stairs.
A man stepped out from what appeared to be a living room, a remote control in his hand and a confused expression on his face. “Uh…”
“And that’s Dad. Little butt—er, Phillip is taking a nap.” Over her father’s shoulder was a frail, thin wisp of a man. Dawson almost didn’t recognize him from the few times he’d seen the doctor around town. “And that’s my uncle.”
Dawson gave them a wave. “It’s nice to meet—”
“We’re going upstairs.” She started for the steps, shooting him a look that had him grinning.
“Keep the door open,” her mom called from the bottom.
“Mom,” Bethany whined, cheeks flushed. “It’s not like that.”
Dammit. He wanted it to be like that and then some. Her mother repeated the order again, and Bethany pulled him down the hallway.
“I’m so sorry. My mom thinks whenever a boy is in my bedroom that must mean we’re making out or something.” She dropped his hand, opening her door. “It’s so embarrassing.”
Dawson stepped around her, scanning her bedroom. Music played on low from her laptop. There wasn’t much going on, just the basics, with the exception of the easel sitting in front of the window. “Do you have boys in your bedroom a lot?”
She laughed as she skirted around him. “Oh, yeah, all the time. It’s like a train station in here.”
His brows shot up. He couldn’t tell if she was joking or not.
Seeing his expression, she laughed again. He loved that sound—loved that she laughed so much. “I’m joking,” she said, sitting down on the bed. She patted the spot next to her. “Actually, you’re the first boy to be in my bedroom.”
A rush of possessiveness hit him hard. Ignoring it, he sat beside her and leaned back, watching her from behind hooded eyes. “Well, you are new still. Unless you work fast, I’d hope I’m the first guy.”
She twisted around, sitting cross-legged. “I bet you’ve been in many, many girls’ bedrooms.”
He shrugged one shoulder.
Her eyes narrowed. “Come on, with someone who looks like you, there’s probably a line of girls hoping to take you home.”
“So?” He reached out, tugging on the hem of her jeans. “I’m here with you, aren’t I?”