Page 15 of (UN)Bounded
The moment I walk outside, I see two men standing by a Mercedes Benz SUV. When they see me, they both come my way. I’m thankful Gabo let me know there would be people waiting for me because if I didn’t know, I’d be freaking out.
The men are wearing black suits, Ferragamo loafers, and sunglasses, and they both have coms in their ears. They look like they’re a little older than Gabo, but not by much—maybe in their late thirties. It’s probably a good thing that they’re older, considering they’re bodyguards and all.
It’s like I’m living in an alternate universe.
“Signorina, good morning. I’m Rocco, and I’m in charge of making sure you’re safe at all times.” He tries to smile, but I don’t think he’s used to it because it comes out like he’s in pain. I smile in return and look behind him, waiting for him to introduce the other huge man with him.
“Oh, yes. This is Aldo, he’ll be your driver,” Rocco says. Aldo nods at me, and I nod back.
After squaring my shoulders and taking a deep breath, I look at Rocco in the eyes and tell him, “Very well, the first place I want to go is a classic car dealership.”
None of the men moved, like I wasn’t clear enough. And if I weren’t so riled up about being treated like a baby, I’d just admit defeat and go shopping for clothes instead, but I’m trying to make a statement, dammit, and I want to buy a car I know no one will approve of.
“Listen, I know you have a job to do, and Mr. Godoy is the one paying you, but if you want me to give a good report back about the two of you, I need you to listen to me and actually take me where I’m asking you to.” They look at each other instead of paying attention to me, and I see red. “You know what? I can take myself there. Don’t worry about it.”
I start walking in the opposite direction, thinking I need to download the Uber app, but after a couple of steps, a strong hand grabs me by my arm. I turn around, immediately moving out of reach. “Do not touch me. And do not think that because I look young and naive, I actually am,” I say, my chest rising and falling quickly, ready to scream bloody murder if I have to.
“I apologize, Miss Bianchi. We’ll take you where you want to go. Please, come with me.” He extends his arm, showing me the way to the SUV, and I nod at him.
Once he opens the door for me and I’m seated, I take out my cell phone and send a quick text to Gabo.
Isabella: I understand that I need your security people looking after me, but I’m not a child with restricted places to go.
I’m still fired up as Aldo drives effortlessly through the streets of Bologna. Any other time, I’d be enjoying the ride, looking at the buildings and the people, but no—right now, all I want to do is yell at someone. Even though I’d like to say a few things to Luca, I don’t want to regret anything later. He’s been a pretty awesome brother, overall.
Taking a deep breath, I call the person I know will understand my anger.
“Hola, hermanita ¿Qué hacés?” (Hello, little sister. What are you doing?) Gio answers after only one ring, and I immediately feel lighter.
“Not much here. Being driven around Bologna by Gabo’s security team,” I explain to my brother, and he’s dead silent.
“Wait a minute, where is Gabo?” Gio asks, finally breaking the silence.
“He’s in Ibiza with Vicente, but you know he’s not supposed to be with me every single minute of the day that I’m here. Right?”
After releasing a sigh, Gio agrees. “Yeah, I know. I just think it’s in poor taste to leave you alone on your first weekend there.”
I don’t disagree with Gio, but I won’t tell him that. “Yeah, well… Maybe he had that weekend planned with Vicente before he decided to let me stay with him.”
“You’re right. They’re both busy businessmen; they must have their lives planned for the next couple of years.”
I don’t say anything because what do I know? I’m the youngest of the bunch and everyone treats me like I’m an illiterate baby.
“Hey, Isa. What is really going on? You know I love chatting with you, but you usually go to Luca instead of me.”
A knot forms in my throat, and suddenly, I can’t speak. I don’t want to cry in front of these men who I don’t know, and I don’t want to worry Gio with my immaturity; He has enough on his plate as it is.
“You know what? I’m on my way,” Gio says, and that takes me out of my pity party.
“What? Don’t you have to work?” I say almost in a panicked tone.
“It’s the weekend, and even I take breaks,” Gio says, and I chuckle. My brother is always in his research lab.
“There’s no way I would convince you not to come, right?”
“You know it. I’ll be there as soon as possible.” Gio ends the call, and I relax a little bit in the backseat. Damn, this is one nice, comfy car.
It doesn’t take much longer for us to arrive at a car dealership. It’s exactly what I asked for—nothing fancy, just normal cars. Rocco opens the door for me and helps me out. I smile at him, feeling a little better after knowing my brother will be here soon.