Page 64 of (UN)Bounded
“Hi, Isabella. Do you know who I am?”
When I don’t answer, he says, “I’m the last person you’ll see before you die.”
Chapter 24
Gabo Godoy
When I land in Geneva, Vicente is waiting for me on the tarmac. It’s been hours since we first learned about Bella, and we don’t know anything new. I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest.
“Hey, bro. How are you holding up?” Vicente asks, concern evident in his usually blank face.
“I want to burn the world down to find her. Who the fuck would want to hurt Bella?”
“Whoever has her is a professional. I asked Rocco and Aldo to wait for you to get here so they could debrief us together.”
Hearing their names brings a new wave of anger. I’ve trusted all these men with my life for years. How could they fail with Bella in their charge?
“Don’t overthink this, bro. They are being hard on themselves, already. They didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Let me stop you right there, Vicente. First of all, you’re not their savior, and second, they must have done something wrong because Bella isn’t where she was supposed to be.”
Vicente sighs in frustration, but I can’t be bothered. My brain is laser-focused on finding Bella.
Mario leads us to a waiting car, and I get in with Vicente.
“Mario, any news?” I feel like a broken record, but I’m blind, and I cannot take it.
“No, boss, but I already contacted Interpol. They are working on restoring the video feed from the hotel.”
I nod as I bite my thumbnail. The stress is killing me.
“What about the gala? Has anyone checked there?”
“Mario, what the actual fuck? How long have you been in the security business?”
“Twenty years, boss.”
“Twenty fucking years and so far you haven’t done anything to find Bella?” I shout, and Vicente flinches next to me.
“Bro, you’re mad. I get it, but remember, everyone here is trying to help. Being angry and behaving like an ass won’t bring Isa back any faster.”
“Since when are you the voice of reason?” I ask Vicente, hating that he’s right.
“Ever since my brother started losing his mind, I’ve had to be whatever he needs me to be,” he says, giving me a pat on my shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Mario. I have no excuse for yelling at you. You have been a remarkable employee. I’m just worried sick about her.”
“Don’t worry, boss. We’ll find her.” I nod at him—I hope he’s right because she has become everything to me. I’m not sure I know how to do life without her anymore.
“Has anyone contacted Dominic and Luigi?” I completely forgot I had asked Dom to come, driving the same route Bella used.
“Yes, boss. I instructed Luigi to be on standby. There’s no need for them to retrace the steps from Bologna,” Mario informs me, which seems logical. I’ll have to give Dom a vintage bottle of wine as a thanks for always having my back.
We get to the hotel and head to Bella’s room. The moment we enter, a pang of panic invades me. Her gala clothes are displayed on her bed. She was getting ready to go, but she never made it there. When I enter the bathroom, all her makeup is on the counter. I can smell her perfume—citrus and flowers. When I see the necklace I gave her on the counter, tears start running down my face.
God, I might not be a devoted believer, but please keep her safe and help me find her. Bring her back to me.