Page 13 of Entangled With You
“Oh, we only get appetizers to share,” Stefa says. I look at her, waiting for her to elaborate, but she doesn’t say anything else. It’s Noelia, the captain, who speaks up.
“It’s the only thing we can afford.” My shocked expression earns me a chuckle. “Don’t be so surprised, rich girl. We don’t make the same amount of money as the men’s team.” I let the name-calling pass this time, in lieu of talking further about what’s important at the moment.
“Well, I know that. Back home, the women’s team also made way less than the men’s team. But why do you come here if you can’t afford it? I’d rather go to another place where I can eat more,” I say, and everyone laughs. The tension that was rising around the table dissipates. “What? Were you guys expecting me to be a total brat and look down on you?” I say, a smirk on my face.
“Something like that,” Noelia replies and it gives me the perfect opening to clear up things once and for all.
“I know there’s been a lot of talk about my deal with the team and whether or not I deserve to be here at all. The truth is, even though I come from a privileged family, if I didn’t have the talent to back me up, all the money in the world would not have given me the stats I have. I work hard, I try to be a good teammate, and I work toward a common goal instead of looking for personal gain. So if we, as a team, are going to have a shot at leaving our mark this season, all I ask of you is to not listen to the noise outside and focus your effort and talent on building something great. Together.” I finish my little speech—which went deeper than I intended—but when I look at the girls’ faces, they all seem stunned. Instead of focusing on the fact that I might have gone too far and overstepped, I take a long sip of my water.
“Holy fuck, I need to look out, or you’re going to go for my spot next,” Noelia says, and we all explode in laughter. I make a mess of myself spraying the water I was drinking all over me.
“Good job, doofus,” Stefa says, and I laugh harder. Releasing all the tension I was holding.
“Okay, okay. Enough shop talk. What I really want to know is if you left a broken heart back in Colombia,” Emma asks next, and I turn a deep shade of red. I can feel the heat rising from my chest to my face.
“Ohhhhhh, ohhhhh. Look at her. Spill, parcerita,” Noelia chirps and the entire table erupts in a fit of “spill, spill, spill.” I use my hands to signal for them to calm down and after some more water, I tell them a very curated story.
“So you guys know I’m only twenty-two. Right? I’ve never been in a relationship, but I’ve gone out on dates,” I say as all eyes are on me. “What?”
“I say this with love, believe me. But you don’t want to spend your youth working hard with no fun. When you’re thirty-five and it’s time to retire and you have no one waiting for you at home, then what?” I look at Noelia, who’s the one with the wise words. I’m not sure how to answer. I don’t want to tell them about Matías, and how every guy I’ve dated before doesn’t compare to him. Even though I try, no one has been able to make me feel anything compared to what I felt those nights with him.
“I mean, you don’t have to get married and have kids. That’s not what I mean, everyone’s idea of happiness is different. All I’m saying is don’t close yourself to experience life.” Noelia squeezes my hand for good measure. When I look at her eyes, I can see it. She means it. I smile at her, trying to come up with something to say when Stefa speaks up.
“You should try OfficialCherub.”
I shake my head at that name. “Never heard of it.”
“Yeah, it’s a local app. It’s pretty discrete. You can say as much or as little about yourself in there. Instead of just matching you with someone for a hookup, you can start with a coffee date or go straight to test the goods.” The girls all make kissing noises, and I start laughing uncontrollably.
“Let’s enjoy tonight. Food is on me, order away.” Everyone cheers, and that’s what we do: we order the entire menu, eat, chat, and have a great time. When it’s time to leave, I pay, and when I start looking for my phone, I see Stefa holding it. She has a wicked grin on her face, which should make me suspicious and scared, but for some reason, I trust her.
After grabbing my phone, I make my way outside to get an Uber and head home to pack. The excitement I’m feeling about playing my first game as a Golden Warrior is everything I need right now. Men will come later… if I’m meant to have a man in my life.
Chapter 5
Matías Moreno
Scheduling this therapy appointment is probably the hardest thing I’ve done in my adult life. But after running out of the stadium the other day when I saw Cattleya—and she recognized me—that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. That’s not a normal reaction to seeing a girl I haven’t been able to get out of my head after the most marvelous night of my life. Ugh, admitting that something is not okay inside me and seeking help has never been my MO, but maybe that’s why I am where I am right now: hiding from a girl I clearly have had a crush on for years now, and blaming myself for every single thing that happens in this world. I’m twenty-six years old. I’m a fucking adult and still don’t function like one, not emotionally at least. I finally understand this is not a healthy way to live, and the anxiety pills can only do so much; I need to talk through my feelings and create healthy habits. For instance, being able to say hi to someone instead of freezing on the spot and then running away as if I was a fucking criminal would be a good start. Maybe I’ll never have anything with Cattleya, but I should at least be able to have a friendly conversation with her.
The appointment is this Friday, which means I’ll be making lists upon lists of things to share with my therapist. I’ve never been able to do things half-assed. I’m looking for a notepad on my desk as Luciano, my boss runs into my office, hair disheveled, eyes wide. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he’s high. But as forward-thinking as he is, he’s never been interested in trying drugs.
“Everyone, to the conference room, now!” he says as he turns on his heel. “I’m sorry I look a little out of sorts this morning but I received the call we were all waiting for when I was on my way here.”
I already know what he’s going to say but I honestly never doubt it; we worked our asses off for this deal.
“I was just notified we won the bid for the Golden Warriors’ Stadium!”
The entire room erupts in cheer, filled with hugs and pats on the back. I’m smiling because it is my destiny to, one way or another, be near Cattleya now that she’s moved here.
“We’ll divide the workload and assign a team to work full-time on project. But first, I want to make you all aware of the Warriors’ very specific rule.”
I’m all ears because I have no clue what it could be.
“The team was adamant about absolutely no fraternizing with players, as they want to prevent any potential distractions during the season.” Luciano takes a pause, looking at everyone making sure we all understand what he’s saying. “If any of you have an issue with this rule, please let me know and we can work something out.” I look around, but no one raises their hand, so I guess we’re good to go. The universe is really trying to tell me to stay away from Cattleya. Luciano nods his head, happy to see this won’t be an issue when Delfina raises her hand.
“Not that I have any intention of dating someone forbidden. But why is this clause in place?” Others start murmuring, agreeing with Delfina.
“Yeah, it’s a little strange if you ask me.”