Page 39 of Entangled With You
“Tell me. We need to be honest with each other. Did I say something wrong?” I press. I don’t want to start this relationship with secrets between us.
Releasing a deep breath, she looks at me in the eyes. “It’s just the moment you said you were leaving, I had a flash to that time in Playa Blanca when I thought we were okay but you never spoke to me again.” Her voice is small as she shares with me her fears and, fuck, if I don’t feel like an ass for making this strong woman doubt my intentions toward her.
“Cattleya, I know my words don’t have much weight, but I promise you that with my actions, I’ll show you I won’t ever leave you like that again. Ever.” I keep my tone even as I try to convey my feelings. I hope she believes me.
“Thank you for saying that. I really needed to hear it.” She reaches for my hand, and I lean down to kiss her before going to check on Tinta.
“Don’t take too long. I might fall asleep here without you,” she muses as she gets comfortable in the bathtub. Nodding my head, I head out of the bathroom and into the living room. Tinta is in the same spot I saw him last, on a chair with a fluffy blanket cocooning him. I make my way to him and cover him with the blanket a little bit more.
I go back to Cattleya. When she sees me, a gorgeous smile spreads on her face, her eyes starting to close. She’s a trooper, but I know she must be tired after ninety minutes of running on the pitch, and then keeping up with me; she met me thrust for thrust. She moves forward so I can sit behind her, and I quickly go for her shampoo bottle. When she notices I’m washing her hair, she relaxes and heaves a deep breath.
“Best boyfriend ever,” she says, and even though it’s not my business, I have to know.
“Have you had many boyfriends in the last four years?” I ask, a mix of curiosity and jealousy invading me at the thought of other assholes spending time with my angel when I was too scared of my own thoughts.
“Oh yeah, lots. About one or two a month,” she says with a wink, and I laugh, relief washing over me. “Why? Jealous?” she asks in a teasing tone.
“I know I have no right to be but yeah, I’m jealous of all the men who had a chance with you when I was being a complete idiot.”
“Is it okay if I ask why you never tried to reach out? I mean, I can see you felt guilty at Playa Blanca, but it’s been four years. You could have reached out and tested the waters. You know?”
Cattleya asks me in earnest, no judgment, just curiosity in her eyes. I think about how to answer this because I want to be honest, but I don’t want her to think I’m a weak asshole. Even though that’s exactly who I am. I was. “Well, I just never thought I was good enough to get a chance with you. I know it sounds ridiculous, and I should have more self-esteem. After the time we spent together, I should have just shot my shot and reached out, but I let my fear and anxiety take over. Every time you came up in conversation with the boys, I simply tuned out. It was painful to hear about you reaching your goals, and becoming this amazing woman you were meant to be. And I haven’t been there by your side. I’m opening my heart to you, mi ángel. I truly hope you don’t think less of me for being an idiot who should have reached out to you the moment I got back to Argentina.”
Cattleya turns to face me fully and gently cradles my face in her hands. “I’m not going to lie, it upsets me to hear it was your fears and your anxiety that kept you away from me, but at the same time, we all carry our own insecurities and demons. I cannot stay in the past when I have you here next to me right now.”
I place my hands on top of hers, relishing her touch, her warmth. “There’s nothing I can do to change the past, but I’m working on myself, and I promise you I’ll continue to work on better handling my emotions. Thank you for giving me a chance.”
She simply smiles at me, and then says, “Even when I tried to go out on dates, I could never get physical with any other men. You utterly and hopelessly ruined me for any other man on this Earth. You’re my first and only, Matías. My body only fires up when you’re the one touching me. The one commanding me.”
I tremble at her words; I’m taken aback by the sincerity in her tone. This woman owns me in every way possible, and I don’t think she realizes it yet.
“I never tried to be in a relationship because I knew they weren’t you, and even though I had sex with other women, no one has made me feel the way you do,” I tell her, hoping she understands me. “They never stood a chance,” I say, and she wraps her arms around her middle, using her hands to pull me flush against her since I’m standing behind her. I sigh in relief at her silent acceptance. The past is in the past, and all that matters is right here, right now.
“You know, I wouldn’t be mad if you make me come one more time before we go to bed,” she says as she places my hands on top of her breasts, and my dick twitches.
“Oh yeah?” I ask against her ear, and she hums her response, opening her legs wide for me. I make her come one more time with my fingers before we rinse off. Once we’re done, I make sure to towel her off and carry her to bed.
“Good night, mi ángel,” I say quietly, and she surprises me when she reaches for my cock.
“Good night, bae. One day you’ll have to tell me the story behind this Jacob’s ladder.” I start hardening immediately as she continues to play with my dick.
“I tried to feel with other women what I felt with you that night, but no one ever compared. So I thought that by getting the barbells I could give them a better experience and increase my pleasure as well, but it really didn’t work,” I tell her honestly, even though I’m panicking that she might think I’m an asshole.
“Oh bae, it’s so good to hear you longed for me as much as I longed for you.” I breathe a sigh of relief.
“And thank you for getting these on before we got together; they’re definitely a game changer,” Cattleya says as she guides my cock inside her. I make her come again as I trail kisses all over her neck and shoulders. I’ll never tire of treating her like the queen she is. And that’s how we fall asleep, connected and at peace.
Chapter 18
Cattleya Cardona
This week has been the best week of my life. Matías has spent every single night with me. Monday after he came back from work, we went back to the confitería where we had our blind date.
I would love to have a redo of our first date. That dress you wore was driving me insane, Mati had said the moment he came into my place. He was wearing black jeans and a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. This man plays a hard game with those strong, tattooed arms. So hot, I had to press extra hard on my thighs to stop myself from moaning at the sight.
“Do you think you’ll ever tell me the meaning of all of your tattoos? How many do you have?” I ask, trying to focus on something else rather than the way he fires me up without even trying.
“I’ll tell you anything you want,” he says with a wink, and a little whimper escapes my lips.