Page 30 of Jaime's Story
“I’m fine, daddy,” she teases drawing a shocked gasp from Grace. “We’re both fine.”
“Jaime!” Annie says drawing attention towards our group and Jillian hurries over with her fiancé who is one of the only ones other than us that know she’s pregnant. He only knows because she got sick at the office, and he called me worried about her. Which had me storming in to make damn sure that he kept his concern off my wife. Only to learn that he was head over heels in love with Jillian.
“Something you haven’t told us sweetheart?” Jake asks, a smile on his lips as Annie slips her hand onto his chest.
“I’m pregnant,” Jaime admits drawing more attention our way as Jillian lets out a huge squeal of excitement that makes her fiancé wince a bit.
“Why aren’t you more excited?” Jillian demands looking up at him with a little huff at his simple nod our way. “I’m getting another niece or nephew.”
“I’ll be plenty excited when it’s our turn, sweet girl,” he says making her melt, her smile returning fully. “Plus, I don’t want to find an angry detective who carries a gun in my face again. Once was plenty.”
“What?” Jillian says looking between the three of us in confusion. “When did that happen?”
“About three weeks ago,” Jaime admits making Jillian’s brows lift higher. “I got sick at the office, and he called Bryan who got a bit jealous because another man was worrying over me. Bryan calmed down when I said he was only worried because if something happened to me, you’d be more worried and since he was in love with you, he didn’t want you worrying about anything. I added that you were in the middle of your finals on top of being the day before your birthday and he got it.”
“So you’ve known she was pregnant for three weeks and didn’t tell me?” Jillian demands, gaping at him pulling a chuckle from me that I hide in Jaime’s hair.
“It wasn’t my news to tell and unlike some people,” he teases her, putting color in her cheeks, “I know how to keep a secret.”
“If you weren’t so hot I’d be mad at you right now…”
“No you wouldn’t, sweet girl,” he counters, making Jaime laugh as Jillian settles entirely when he pulls her into his arms.
“I’m not sweet…” Jillian grumbles.
“You are when you’re not being a fierce sister first,” he muses and the smile on Jillian’s face reminds me entirely of Jaime’s when I have her wrapped up in mine. I won’t argue too much if I have to let Jaime stand up with someone else at Jillian’s wedding I suppose. After all, everyone deserves to be as happy as I am with my princess and our little one that’s coming in December.
A rush of excitement flows through me and I can’t wait to find Bryan. We’ve been wanting this for so long I was almost afraid it wouldn’t happen again. Not that I don’t love our little boy to pieces, but neither of us wanted our sweet Rowan James to be an only child. It just didn’t happen until now.
By the time the new baby will get here, he’ll be three, which is so hard to believe. Then again, since Jillian’s youngest will be one next next month maybe it’s not.
At least I know my boss won’t argue about me working from home more. Not when one word to Jillian will have him agreeing to anything to keep her happy. Plus, it’s not like I need to be in the office to do my job, which is closer to part-time anymore anyway.
Rowan and I love to go to the bookstore and visit Aunt Maia. He even calls Ellen his aunt because she always makes sure to find him the newest stories with dragons for him to take home with us whenever we visit.
Bryan is still working as a relief detective which can make it difficult to get time together. Especially time where he makes me feel like his extra special princess. Although…this baby may very well have been conceived when Jillian kept Rowan for us for the night, giving me and Bryan some very quality daddy and princess time to let us indulge ourselves.
Jillian’s girls love Rowan to bits. Scarlett is about six months younger than Rowan, so she just turned two, while Sabrina will be one very soon. I teased her when she announced she was pregnant with baby number two not even six full months after Scarlett was born that I was right that she was more like Mom than I was. She’s so in love with her family though that she didn’t care in the least and gave Sabrina the middle name Elizabeth after me even.
This new baby will be here sometime in February most likely. My last period was in May, but we were so busy last month I kind of forgot about it until now. It’s been like clockwork since I stopped breastfeeding Rowan, coming every four weeks even when we didn’t want it to, until now. It should have started just after the fourth of July holiday, but didn’t, and I finally got up the nerve to test. Sabrina coming on my birthday was an amazing gift, but this one…it’s the best early birthday present ever.
I slip through the house, finding my boys in the family room. We love the space and the huge windows that overlook the lake the house was built near.
It’s a private lake that the four properties around it share, each of us with our own side even, and we don’t have to worry about people trespassing thankfully. The yard is fenced in with an alarm on the gate as well, so Rowan can’t sneak down to the water without us hearing it go off.
Bryan’s eyes pop open as I debate about waking him, smiling when he holds open his arm for me to join them in the huge recliner. I slip into his hold easily and give him a happy kiss, glad that he has the week off with us since he was on duty for the holiday this past week.
“Missed you, princess,” he says kissing my temple as I snuggle into his side getting comfy.
“Missed you too, daddy,” I sigh. “But maybe we’ll get to spend a bit more time together since I’m probably gonna want to work from home even more in the next month or two,” I add, smiling as I feel Bryan lean up a bit.
“Why’s that, princess? Not that I’ll complain at all about you being home more for when I don’t have a shift to cover.”
“Well, if this time around is anything like last…I’d rather throw up in my own bathroom than the one at work,” I state, lifting my face to his, seeing the utter joy in his eyes at the news. “Best guess is about eight to nine weeks, but also explains why I felt sick to my stomach the last two weeks. The morning sickness with Rowan really kicked in around then. I hope it won’t last forever this time though.”