Page 14 of Baby Love
Wife_of_RM@Straykids21711: What’s it called?
Omega_XSebin@Wife_of_RM: Heartbeat.
Wife_of_RM@Omega_XSebin: Thx! (red heart)
SongKang2011: P’Park is so handsome. (swirling pink hearts)
Untamedsmybias@SongKang2011: And muscular. (bicep) I hope he takes his shirt off in this series like he did in his last one.
SongKang2011@Untamedsmybias: Omg, that scene was (three fires)! I wish he was doing another series with P’Mark.
Untamedsmybias@SongKang2011: ParkMark was good, but I think ParkSpin will be much better.
“As you can see,” Khun Lee says, “the fans are already picking up on your vibe as a couple. They love the size difference and Park’s protective attitude. These are things to play up in your future interactions on camera. I will continue to keep an eye on fan comments and let you know what works and what doesn’t.”
She scrolls down to comments about Daeng and Aod, whose ship has been getting some attention, too, then passes out cards to each of us. “Your social media accounts have links posted on SPPT’s website. We encourage you to begin posting immediately. This weekend we’ll be having a photoshoot in the park, and when the photos are released, I will send them to you to post. All cast members are expected to participate in advertising the main couples and supporting their ships, as our series’ success depends on them.”
Turning my attention to the card of usernames and passwords she gave me, I lose track of the rest of what she says until P’Big’s voice grabs my attention.
“Due to our fast-approaching filming schedule, we need to squeeze in a workshop tomorrow afternoon. Be here at noon and we’ll supply lunch.” He consults his notes. “The second week in September, both Park and Spin, and Daeng and Aod, will spend a week at the Love Lounge—SPPT’s popular reality show—with five other bl couples from SPPT. As with the last four seasons, Season 5 will air live. We’ll be doing another photo shoot for that promotion next Thursday. My PA will email you the details tomorrow. Since we want to start leaking videos of our two couples interacting, we’ll begin candid filming at workshop.”
Khun Lee turns her attention from P’Big to us. “I suggest that you four spend this evening together, practicing skinship. I expect you to post a lot of photos.”
I guess I’m going to have to ask Auntie to babysit until late and then keep Anya again tomorrow afternoon.
Chapter Seven: Spin
After the meeting, I close my calendar app and look up to see P’Park finishing a phone call.
“See you soon,” he says and disconnects before looking up at me.
“Did you take the Skytrain here?”
I nod.
“You can just ride with me, then. Aod and Daeng drove separately, and they’re going to meet up with us in an hour.”
“Where are we going first?” I ask as we walk to the elevators. I notice he’s holding a bag of the leftover food from the meeting.
“To my neighbor’s. She’s babysitting my sister.”
Once we’re in Park’s black Toyota Yaris pulling into traffic, I ask, “Do your parents work at night?”
“It’s just me and my seven-year-old sister, Anya. I’m her legal guardian. Our neighbor takes care of Anya when I have to work and Anya isn’t in school, and I do odd jobs for her when I can to pay her back. I called Khun Anong and told her I have to work late and will be dropping off their dinner.”
“It must be rough being responsible for a young child,” I say.
“I’ve been doing it for four years now, so I’m used to it. It gets easier the older she gets.”
And I thought I had it rough with Nok.
P’Park lives in a small house just outside of Bangkok, which he tells me was fortunately paid off before his father and stepmother died in an accident.
“Having a place to live with a built-in sitter next door has made my life much easier than it would have been otherwise. Khun Anong is like family and insists she loves watching Anya; but even so, I feel guilty. Anya barely remembers her mom and our dad. I’m all she’s got, and I should be home with her more.”
After unlocking the gate to their fenced-in yard, P’Park holds it open for me. “Khun Anong’s house is on the right and mine’s on the left.”
The houses look similar—both small, one-level structures made of concrete. The neighbor’s front door is unlocked, and P’Park pushes it open. The inside of the house is stuffy from the lingering heat of the day. A box fan runs in the living room where an older woman wearing a simple house dress and a pretty little girl in blue shorts and a matching T-shirt are having a tea party at the bamboo table. P’Park said his sister was seven, but with her petite features and small stature, she looks younger.