Page 35 of Baby Love
“I’ll drive you home,” I tell Spin.
“Thanks. Wow, I can’t believe I got that much attention.”
“They love you,” I say. It’s the truth—the fans went crazy over Spin and his cute smile.
“If I’m so wonderful, why didn’t I get more attention at university?” he asks, smiling.
I laugh. “It’s amazing what a little hype will do, right?”
“If I remember correctly, you had your fair share of girls falling all over you at school. A lot of them wanted to scratch my eyes out when we were in the play together. I’m pretty sure a couple of the girls at work have a thing for you, too.”
“Most of the fans will want me to be with you.” I say as I pull up to his building. “See you on Monday. We’ll be on location at the house for the whole week.”
I catch the brief frown that passes over Spin’s face before he tries to hide it.
“What’s the matter?” I ask.
“What? Oh, nothing. Thanks for the ride!” He opens the passenger door.
Wondering if he could still be worried about those scenes we’ll be shooting, I grab his arm. “Wait. Actually, it might be a good idea for us to rehearse a little on Sunday, if you have time. Would you mind? We’ll have to do it at my house because of Anya.”
Spin brightens, and I’m immediately glad I suggested it. “Of course I don’t mind. Let me know when to be there.” He waves before turning and walking into his building.
I start home, singing under my breath. If I can take some of the worry from Spin’s mind about filming the love scene next week, I’m glad to do it. I can’t believe he drove me home last night and took care of me. I don’t have a single other person besides Khun Anong who would do that for me. Well, Pear probably would if I asked her to, but that would be awkward, and I really don’t want to encourage her. She’s been giving off vibes that she’s interested in renewing our relationship, and I am so not into that idea. Pear is a nice girl, but I don’t have strong feelings for her. Dating her was easy, but Anya was getting too attached, and I knew we wouldn’t last. I need to make sure I don’t do anything to give her the wrong idea.
It feels really good to have Spin in my life again. I lost track of most of the friends I made at university because I was too busy taking care of my sister and trying to find work. Having someone to lean on is nice. I ignore the voice inside my head that’s telling me there is more to what I feel for Spin than what I’m acknowledging.
Chapter Fifteen: Spin
“Iknew if I ever had it out with Daw, Kiet would choose her over me,” I say forlornly.
Cushion refills my wine glass. “That’s not true,”
Burying my face in one of the colorful pillows on Bass’s couch, I say, “He’s not answering my texts.”
“What? I can’t hear you.” Cushion yanks the pillow away.
I repeat what I said, and Cushion snorts.
“He’ll find out soon enough that his friends care about him much more than she does, and then he’ll come crawling back to us with his tail between his legs. Now, drink your wine and stop being overly dramatic.”
“He’s an actor. He has to be dramatic,” Bass says from his place on the big armchair diagonal to the sofa.
“So are we, bonehead, and we’re not crying into our wine,” Cushion says.
“Is he mad at you guys, too?” I ask.
Leaning back, Cushion props her feet on the ottoman. “I think Kiet knows we feel the same as you do about Daw. He has to be loyal to that witch because he thinks he’s in love with her.”
She looks broodingly into her drink, and something about the moment dislodges a memory. All of us were drinking like this, Kiet included, in Cushion’s dorm, and Kiet announced he confessed to a girl—I think it was Chinda, Rama’s sister—and had a date with her. I was looking at Cushion when he said it, and just for an instant, I saw the same pain on her face that I see now. I wondered about it then but convinced myself I imagined it.
“Kiet will contact us, Baby. He probably just wants some time alone with Daw right now,” Bass assures me.
Cushion sighs. “I think he’s convinced himself when she makes those rude comments she’s just trying to be one of the gang.”
“She says the really shitty ones under her breath,” I say.
“One of the gang? We don’t sit around insulting each other,” Bass says, bristling.