Page 47 of Baby Love
“What kind of way is that to speak to your father, boy? I ought to take my belt to you. That always shut you up.”
“Hang up on him and block him,” I tell Spin.
Spin looks at me, eyes widening.
“You don’t have to take that abuse from him. You’re an adult, and he left you and your sister years ago. He probably wants money.”
“Who’s that talking to you, boy? Is that your lover? You still got those perversions? You’re one sick fuck, you know that?”
Watching Spin’s face lose all color, I take his phone out of his hand and push the disconnect button, then turn it off. When I look at him again, my heart falls when I see tears in his eyes.
“Why couldn’t he just stay away? I haven’t heard from him in seven years.”
With the worst timing ever, P’Big strides into the room. “We’re finished with the scene outside.” He stops in front of us, looking with concern at Spin, who surreptitiously wipes his cheeks. “Is there a problem?” P’Big asks, looking at me when Spin doesn’t answer.
“Personal matter,” I say. “He’ll be fine.”
P’Big looks like he wants to say something more but instead nods. “Meet on the office set in ten,” he says before striding away.
Pulling some tissues out of a box, I hand them to Spin, moving my body to shield him from the prying eyes of others in the room.
“I’ll be okay,” Spin says, voice wobbly, swiping at the tears that keep flowing. “I’ll go to the restroom and get a hold of myself.”
I get up a couple minutes after he does and follow him.
In the restroom, I find Spin sobbing in the corner. Without speaking, I wrap my arms around him and pull him against my chest.
“Everything’s going to be okay,” I promise, although I don’t know that. What if his father’s waiting for Spin when he gets home? What if his father hurts him? “Hey, why don’t you stay with me tonight? Anya would love that.” I would love that.
What about riding that fine line, Park?
But this is something I’d offer to any of my friends. If I had friends, that is.
Untangling himself from my arms, Spin turns on the water faucet and begins splashing his face. I get some paper towels ready and hand them to him when he’s finished. Whoever is assigned to do his makeup today is not going to be happy.
“Thanks,” he says.
“I mean it. Stay with me tonight. I don’t want you going home if your father’s going to be there to harass you. Please?” I beg when he doesn’t look like he’s going to relent. I’ve found that Spin can be very stubborn about what he considers to be his responsibilities. “At least just for tonight until you can think about the situation.”
Pressing his lips together, Spin takes a deep breath and lets it out. “Okay. Thank you.”
Relief pours over me. Spin will be safe, at least for tonight.
Chapter Twenty-One: Spin
When we’re finished filming for the day, I call my sister and tell her our father is back and to stay away from the apartment.
“But…why is he back now?” she asks.
“I have no idea. He probably wants money.”
Nok starts to cry. “But, P’Spin, I don’t want him to hurt you!”
“He won’t. Don’t worry. I’m going to stay with P’Park tonight.”
She calms after that, and after a few more reassurances and a warning not to let visitors into her dorm, we end the call.
It’s dark outside when P’Park and I exit the building. My nerves are on edge, making me jump every time I hear an unusual sound.