Page 55 of Baby Love
“Yeah. He says she is.”
“Why are you frowning?”
“I feel like something might be going on between Nok and Bass.”
Huh. Spin’s friend and his younger sister. “You’re not okay with that?”
“I don’t know. It’s difficult to imagine my little sister with anyone. And Bass has said some dirty things in our past conversations, you know? When I think about that, I don’t want him anywhere near Nok.”
“Yet you asked him to keep an eye on her,” I point out. “You trust him.”
“Yeah. I know deep down he wouldn’t hurt her, but the whole thing still seems weird.”
“Maybe it’s all in your imagination and nothing’s really going on,” I say. “Things can look one way and be quite the opposite.”
Spin smiles. “You sound like you know this from experience. Are you saying you’ve jumped to conclusions?”
We both laugh. And then our eyes snag, and we stare at each other for several drawn-out moments. Suddenly, I wish we weren’t being filmed because I badly want to kiss Spin.
Face flushed, Spin looks away first. We’re called to lunch, and midway through the meal, Gift suddenly gets up from the table without a word and goes upstairs. Prince calls to him, but Gift doesn’t stop, so Prince follows. A few seconds later, we hear knocking on a door upstairs. And more knocking. Ten minutes go by with intermittent knocks, and while we’re clearing the table, Prince comes back downstairs and walks past us without a glance, going outside. When we walk into the living room a few moments later, Book’s sitting on the couch, looking at his phone with a frown on his face.
“Something’s happened,” I whisper to Spin. I get out my phone, and, motioning him to join me, drop onto a large red bean bag in the corner. “Fuck,” I whisper when I see the message board. Spin leans over my arm to look.
Maxxx0125: The drama! Are you guys seeing this? First, Park and Spin, and now Prince and Gift!
PrinceGiftizreal: Why did Gift run upstairs like that? What’s happening?
PrinceluvsGift: I dunno, but Prince went after him. Then he came back downstairs.
MyWinter: Are they arguing???
Babykornies: OMG, are they in a fight?
Maxxx0125: Did you guys not see what happened earlier? Prince coming out of the bathroom? Go back and listen to it wearing your ear buds.
MyManMax11: What? What happened? (dismayed face)
TitleKornsmex: What???
MyManMax11: I can’t understand it. Prince says something, right? I went back to look, but all I see is him walking out of the bathroom.
PrinceluvsGift: OMG! Someone was in there with him! Watching the footage. They close the door after Prince leaves!
Maxxx0125@MyManMax11: Prince was in the bathroom, hooking up with someone!
MyWinter@Maxxx0125: Was it Gift?
PrinceGiftizreal: It couldn’t have been Gift because another camera shows him taking out the trash on the other side of the house. Then he comes around the corner and asks Park and Spin where Prince is. But whoever is in the bathroom with Prince IS STILL IN THERE! NOOOOOOOO! (six sobbing faces, six broken hearts)
KaiSuholuv3rs: Wait. Wait. Who came out of the bathroom later?
MyManMax11: Oh, no!
Darkriverjournee221025: Looks like Prince is cheating on his ship.
Gayboy06: Shut up.
MyManMax11: Max and Fluke are in the kitchen. Park and Spin are standing outside the bathroom. Aod’s watching TV, and Title, Korn, and Ban are in the pool. Daeng’s in the upstairs br, and Gift is taking out the trash.