Page 69 of Baby Love
P’Daeng does, and P’Gift staggers to a nearby patch of grass and vomits. P’Daeng rubs P’Gift’s back until the heaving subsides, then I offer a tissue from the pocket of my shorts. When we feel pretty sure P’Gift isn’t going to throw up again, P’Daeng picks him up, this time in a bridal carry, and P’Gift nuzzles his face into P’Daeng’s neck as we continue walking to the hotel.
I open doors and push elevator buttons for them, and when we reach the floor where our rooms are, I ask, “He’s sharing a room with you, isn’t he?”
“Yeah. Nobody’s got their own room this trip. Even P’Big and P’Luke are sharing. Can you get my card out of my pocket?” P’Daeng asks.
I find it, and we head to the end of the hall where P’Daeng stops in front of a door.
Once in the room, P’Daeng sets P’Gift on one of the beds while I go and wet a washcloth in the bathroom sink. When I come back, P’Daeng is helping P’Gift drink some water. He takes the washcloth from me and wipes P’Gift’s face and neck, arms and legs.
“He’s going to have to sleep it off,” P’Daeng says when he’s finished. He looks at me. “What were you upset about down on the beach?”
“I wasn’t upset,” I lie.
“You hugged me. You don’t do that. Probably because Park doesn’t like it.”
I can’t hug P’Daeng, but P’Park can kiss P’Pear.
When I don’t say anything, P’Daeng asks, “Where was Park, anyway? I haven’t seen him since dinner.”
“I don’t know,” I mumble.
“Okay. You want to watch something on TV?”
I nod because I don’t want to go back to P’Park’s and my room and find him with P’Pear.
We climb onto the other bed and find a channel with scary Korean movies. The subtitles are off, so P’Daeng and I end up in fits of laughter. Sometime into the third movie, I fall into a doze. I wake up to find the TV is muted, and P’Daeng is asleep beside me on the bed. On the other bed, P’Gift is snoring softly.
A glance at my phone tells me it’s after two a.m.
I put on my shoes and slip out the door. The hallway is quiet and I don’t see anyone on the walk between P’Daeng’s room and mine. Taking my key card out of my pocket, I slip it into the slot and push the door open.
The room is semi-dark, a cool breeze blowing in from the open window.
“Nong?” P’Park’s voice comes from the bed in the corner.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up,” I say. “Go back to sleep.”
Ducking into the bathroom, I take my time washing up, but when I come out again, P’Park’s sitting up in bed. I don’t look at him as I change into a pair of sleep shorts and a T-shirt, and he doesn’t say anything until I lie down on my bed.
“I looked for you on the beach but couldn’t find you.”
“I was in P’Daeng’s room,” I say.
Biting my lip, I can’t help but turn my head to look at him.
He looks angry.
“What?” I ask.
“You went to P’Daeng’s room alone with him after I told you what he’s like?”
Anger bristles the hairs on the back of my neck. “P’Daeng has been nothing but nice to me. And we weren’t alone—P’Gift was with us. We watched movies.” I don’t mention that P’Gift was unconscious.
P’Park visibly relaxes. “I thought you were looking forward to the bonfire. I was surprised you weren’t there.”
“I’m surprised you looked for me,” I snap before reining in my anger. P’Park never made you any promises.