Page 78 of Baby Love
“Kiet stopped by last night for some advice and stayed. Do you two want some congee?” I ask.
“Anya’s probably hungry. I’d better get going.” He looks down at his sister. “You be good for P’Spin, okay?”
“I will, P.”
I want to run after P’Park and talk to him for a minute, but I can’t leave Anya with Kiet—she doesn’t know him. I settle on calling out to him, “Call me later!” And then he’s gone.
“Come sit, Anya, and I’ll get you some congee.”
She sits at the table across from Kiet and I put a bowl in front of her.
“This is my friend, P’Kiet. He’s very nice.”
Kiet winks at her. “I am. You remind me of my niece. You’re both really pretty. Do you like dolls?”
“I love dolls!” Anya gushes. “I brought two of them with me. They’re in my backpack.” She carefully blows on her congee before taking a bite.
“I’d love to see them after you’re finished eating,” Kiet says.
By the time breakfast is over, Anya is comfortable enough with Kiet for me to slip into my room to get dressed. I text Cushion and let her know Kiet and I talked, and then I text P’Park that Anya is doing fine. I hope he’ll text me right back, but he doesn’t.
Kiet stays a while, helping me to entertain Anya.
“Can we go see P’Pear?” Anya suddenly asks.
“I don’t know. I guess that depends on what her doctor says.” P’Park still hasn’t texted or called me. I wonder if that means it’s bad news.
“Is P’Pear okay?” Anya asks, tears building in her eyes.
“I’m sure she is, honey,” I say, stroking her hair. “Her grandmother’s with her. You don’t have to worry.”
Anya starts to cry.
“Why don’t you go in the bedroom and call P’Park?” Kiet suggests. “Anya and I will play with her dolls.”
Anya perks up a little at that, and I retreat to the bedroom with my phone.
I’m not sure if P’Park will answer since he’s in a hospital, but he does on the second ring.
“Nong, I’m sorry I haven’t called. Auntie has been very upset. Pear had to have surgery.”
“Is she okay?” I ask.
“She’s in the recovery room. They think she’s going to be fine, but the next few hours are critical.”
I let out a breath. “Anya was getting upset. She’s worried. Sorry I had to bother you.”
“You’re not bothering me,” he says. “I’m glad you called.”
“She wanted to know if she could see P’Pear, but I guess under these circumstances, it isn’t a good idea.”
“No. Not yet. Listen, I’ll call you back when I know something more. I’m going down to the cafeteria to get Auntie something to eat.”
“All right. Talk to you later.”
I report to Anya that P’Pear is okay. A smile brightens her face. “So, I can see her?”
“Your brother will let you know when you can visit. The hospital has special times for that.” I look at Kiet. “Don’t you have somewhere you need to be?”