Page 81 of Baby Love
“Where are we going?” Spin asks when I pass the turn off for his building.
“My house,” P’Park says.
“But…you’re not going to drop me off?”
“We have some things to talk about,” I say.
In the rearview mirror, I see Spin’s face shut down even more than it was before. He turns and stares out the window for the rest of the ride.
Once we’re in my house, Anya runs to her room to unpack her backpack and give her dolls a reunion with their friends. I can hear her chatting away from the living room. Sitting on the couch, I pat the place beside me.
Spin takes a seat in the chair several feet away.
“You’re angry with me,” I say.
“Why would I be angry at you?” he asks woodenly.
“Because I didn’t come to your place last night—“
“You explained why you couldn’t.”
”—and you walked into the hospital room this morning and found me holding Pear’s hand.”
“You can hold anyone’s hand that you want to. I have no claim on you.”
“Spin. That is not true. You do have a claim on me.”
He shrugs, refusing to look at me.
“Please come over here and sit by me,” I say softly.
Spin’s nostril’s flare and he presses his lips together, but he stands and walks over to sit on the couch beside me.
“Thank you. Listen. I wanted to be with you and Anya last night. I didn’t want to stay at the hospital. But Auntie was exhausted and fell asleep, and Pear begged me not to go. She wouldn’t even let go of my hand. All night. I had to text you with my left hand.”
Spin glances at me and then away, his dark eyes troubled.
“Tell me what you’re thinking. Please,” I say.
He swallows and clenches his hands together in his lap. “I’m thinking about P’Bang.”
I frown. Bang? “Your ship partner at Hearts Entertainment?”
Spin nods.
My heart sinks to my feet.
“Did you and he have more than a work relationship?” I ask, jealousy rearing its ugly head.
“No. But we became close, and when he was paired with someone else, I had a really hard time. I promised myself that wouldn’t happen again.”
Relieved, I point out, “But we’re not separating. And we’re together…in a relationship.”
Anya comes running into the room. “P, may I play with my clay?”
I nod, and she goes running back to her room.