Page 10 of The Fall
His eyes flashed with recognition as he swiped his tongue over his full bottom lip. “See you in a bit, Dally.”
I quickly realized I was clutching my chest with both of my hands as I stared at the closed door. Of all the damn OBs offices in all of the great state of Texas, he and his perfect hair had to come waltzing into mine. I groaned as I buried my head in my hands. Engaged. He was engaged.
And I had Josh.
So why did his absence from the room already make me feel cold? He had been a closed chapter in my book since I had heard the news from his old frat brother Rob that he was engaged to another doctor in New York. I never thought I would see him again. To me, Dean was off in some foreign land, never to return.
Why had he come back?
It sure as hell wasn’t for me.
I lay back on the table as all thumbs Margaret poked around my pelvis.
“You’re a doctor. I’m guessing first year?”
“Second,” I said, baffled at the conversation. I in no way wanted to talk while she was staring at my nether region.
“So, you’re here for more birth control and a possible bladder infection?”
“Yes, I had a scare yesterday, and I want to take away the possibility. I have no time for that,” I stated simply. Not to mention the thought of carrying a child terrified me to no end—I wasn’t equipped.
“I can tell you right now—this isn’t looking pretty. You know as well as I do that we’re so busy looking at other people’s symptoms to notice our own most of the time. It’s time to shorten your work days, reduce your caseload and stress and keep up with what weekday it is, or your career won’t last long.”
I nodded though she couldn’t see me. It really was time to make my health a priority.
Margaret was older and graying and wore huge black rimmed glasses. She had an endearing smile, and I immediately decided to keep her as my OB. She continued to make small talk as I kept my inner grunts inside and answered her uncomfortably with thoughts of Dean whirling around in my head.
I had only spent a year being Dean’s significant other—that year had changed everything between us. The last time we saw each other had completely ruined us. It was seven years too late for an apology. I knew he thought the same thing when he looked at me earlier—seven years and so much had changed.
When I had my prescription—and another firm lecture from Margaret to take it easy in the bedroom and take time to heal—I gathered my purse and jacket from reception as Dean rounded the corner, stealing my breath. I saw the receptionist eye him and shook my head in amusement. The man was a walking magnet for any female in a ten-mile radius. He was simply the most beautiful man on the planet. His confidence was unbeatable, and charisma oozed from every pore in his body. He was a ladies man and always had been.
“Dinner tomorrow, Dallas?” Dean offered again as I put my jacket on.
I paused only for a second before nodding. “Let’s do it. I’m on floor six. Pick me up at eight?” I saw Margaret’s lips twitch with a smile as she walked past us. “See you soon, Dallas,” she offered in goodbye.
“Thank you, Margaret,” I replied, turning back to Dean, whose stare was on my lips. I stood stunned as he kept his gaze there through his next question.
“Are you working under Pierce? I heard he is the worst,” he finished, flicking his eyes to mine. I recognized what I used to know as heat.
“I can handle him just fine,” I said confidently, though I was anything but. I felt the burn build in my stomach and start to spread throughout my lower half. I licked my lips as Dean briefly closed his eyes.
“Ugh, hmm,” the receptionist interrupted. “Dr. Martin, your two-thirty is in room four,” she said sweetly.
“Thank you …” he trailed off and quickly recovered as they both said the name in unison, “Maggie.” I saw her visibly blush in embarrassment at his failure to remember her name and couldn’t help the smile that gathered on my lips.
“I’m sure you can handle him just fine, Dally. See you tomorrow.” He gave me a smile and walked out the door, leaving me there thinking about him.
I left the room with memories I had pushed away for years clouding my mind and a rapidly beating heart.
The first time I saw Dallas Whitaker, I was lounging against my locker listening to Jon Reiner comment on every passing pair of tits and ass. I had to agree with him on a few but kept it to myself. I prided myself on that. It was a gentleman’s view, and I wanted to be just that, a gentleman. I wasn’t the kiss-and-tell kind of guy, and I could already tell Reiner and I wouldn’t see eye to eye on that. He was more than vocal as he taunted half the girls around us.
“Hot damn,” he crooned after a great set of legs as she looked at him, clearly irritated. Her attention turned to me, and I smiled. The invitation was instant with her come-hither smile back. I laughed as Reiner followed her, briefly arguing his case. When I averted my eyes, I caught sight of her. I took in her long, dark brown hair and beautiful features and felt my entire body jolt. She was young, too young, but what I noticed most were her striking eyes. They were pale green and seemed to sparkle as she noticed me, absently digging in her purse. Once she saw my attention was solely on her, she looked away.
That was a first.