Page 13 of Exile
I decide to sidestep that comment for now and make my way back to the bar to close out the rest of my tables for the night. The kitchen is closed now, so I am almost done.
“I just have to close out my tickets and do some side work. I should be done in the next half hour.”
“Take your time, Kitten. I’ll wait for you as long as I need to.”
After I finish counting out my tips and clock out, Dominick escorts me out to my car. “I’ll follow you back to your place to make sure you get home safe.” Dominick reaches past me, opening my doorlike a true gentleman.
“You know you don’t have to do that. It’s a ten minute drive, I think I can handle it.” I try to give Dominick an out, so he doesn’t feel obligated to follow me but he shakes his head in dismissal. He places his hands on the roof of my car, caging my body against the cool metal in the same move he used on our date. Heat radiates from him like an inferno, and I feel my pulse quickening in excitement at his proximity.
“What did I tell you, Serena?” Dominick leans in, letting his lips ghost against mine in a feather light touch. “I take care of what’s mine.” His hand cups the back of my head as he crushes his lips to mine. It feels like he is trying to devour my soul with his kiss, and I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer, desperate to let him. Dominick’s kiss is needy, possessive and everything I’m missing in my life. His tongue sweeps into my mouth, and I taste the malt and hops from the beer he drank. His body is so firm and solid against mine. I want to mold myself against him and feel every inch of his skin against mine. I hook a leg against his hip, as he grinds his growing erection against my core. We kiss for so long I think I forget how to breathe, I become so light-headed. When we break apart, we are both panting for air, hearts pounding, breath mingling.
“Kitten, I’m gonna need you to get in your car before a patrol comes by and winds up arresting us for indecent exposure. Because if we don’t stop now, I can guarantee you that’s what is going to happen.”
I laugh into his chest, not quite believing my luck at finding such an amazing man. “Oh, surely they wouldn’t arrest one of Birch Falls’ finest officers.” Dominick lifts my face up with a finger under my chin so he can hold my gaze.
“Oh, Kitten, with all the filthy, depraved things I want to do to you, I can guarantee they would most definitely lock me up. Those acts are NOT meant for public consumption.” The grin he flashes at me is positively feral, and my core heats with arousal. He plants one more searing kiss on my lips before directing me into the car and buckling my seatbelt. “Lead the way, sugar. I’ll be right behind you.”
I start my car and drive home with a smile plastered across my face the entire time.
It’s Sunday morning, and I’m once again digging through my closet, clad only in my underwear, hunting for something to wear on my date with Dominick. What does one wear on a brunch date? He told me to dress comfortably before he said goodnight after following me home Friday, but he refused to divulge more information than that. Does comfortably mean my favorite ripped jeans and oversized hoodie? Would leggings be appropriate? Most of my comfortable clothes are barely fit for public consumption, but considering all I ever do is work, go to school or hang out with Kai, I haven’t really given my wardrobe much thought in the last few years.
I’m busy pulling out some of my more casual dresses from the closet when I hear the doorbell ring downstairs.
“I’ve got it, Sweet Pea!” Mom calls up the stairs as I start panic dressing with the first thing I grab out of the pile I made on my bed. I skip the dresses in case Dominick has planned something active and pull on a pair of skintight black leggings and an oversized boatneck sweater. It’s a burnished gold color and falls off my shoulder for a slightly sexy touch. I’m hoping he will take the bare skin as an invitation to kiss it, like he did Friday night when we came so close to doing indecent acts in public. After our intense make out session, the memory of Dominick’s body pressed against mine has been occupying my mind relentlessly. I was so turned on after I got home, I had to get my favorite purple vibrator out to take the edge off.
After slipping on my favorite pair of black boots I go downstairs expecting to see Dom, but instead find Kai in the living room with Mom. “Hey, what are you doing here?” I stumble to a stop at the bottom of the stairs, confused, trying to recall if I have forgotten a study date with Kai.
“Mrs. G came over this morning all worked up. Her sister fell and broke her hip, so she needs to go to the hospital to be with her, but she said you had ‘very important plans,’ and she was supposed to sit with your mom today. She asked if I could come over instead.”
Heat climbs up my cheeks, embarrassment flushing them with color at the thought of Mrs. G calling my date with Dominick “very important.” I know she wants me to get out there, but recruiting Kai to watch my mom so I can go on a date is not at all what I had in mind.
“No, it’s okay… Don’t worry about it. I can cancel.” As the words leave my mouth, the doorbell rings. My stomach drops in disappointment, knowing it is Dominick this time, and I will have to cancel our plans. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, readying myself and hoping he won’t mind taking a rain check. Before I can move to the door, Kai’s hand lands on my shoulder.
“Hey, ReRe, it’s okay. I don’t mind hanging out with your mom. Go. I’ve got this.” I open my eyes and look up at my friend, expecting to see resignation, but his expression is a warm smile in support.
“You sure? I really can cancel. It’s not that important.” Instead of responding, Kai walks past me to open the front door, revealing Dominick looking devastating in dark wash denim and a black henley top that looks almost molded to his body. I hold my breath, waiting for the moment when Kai realizes my “very important plans” are a date and decides he has better things to do than babysit my mom.
Instead, he just opens the door and steps to the side so Dominick can fully see me, standing in the foyer, biting my lower lip, feeling guilty for using my friend like this. Dominick only spares him a quick glance before zeroing his focus on me.
“Good morning, Kitten. You look gorgeous.” He swoops in and places a kiss on the corner of my mouth before turning to greet my mom. “Good morning Mrs. Malcolm. I hope you don’t mind me borrowing Serena for the day. She works so much; it’s hard to get this girl pegged down for a date.”
“Hello, nice to meet you…” Mom trails off for a moment, trying to recall if Dominick is someone she should remember.
“Dominick Reeves. We’ve met briefly before.” Dominick leans in to give Mom a quick kiss on the cheek in greeting. “And with any luck, you’ll see enough of me that I’ll be impossible to forget.” Mom glances over at me, pink tingeing her cheeks from Dominick’s charm and mouths “he’s going into the journal.” I laugh, rolling my eyes, knowing he’s already in her journal.
“You ready, Kitten?” Dom turns to me, extending his hand in invitation for us to leave. I glance up at Kai one more time to make sure he really is okay with this, and he nods once, but his expression is closed off and unreadable.
“How long do I get to keep you today, Kitten? What time does your mom’s nurse go off duty?” Dominick asks as he helps me into my coat. I hesitate, not sure how to answer. Kai and I hadn’t had a chance to discuss how long he would be willing to stay before Dominick showed up. Guilt claws at my gut over using my friend so I can go out and have fun.
“I’ll stay as long as ReRe needs me.” Kai’s response to Dominick has a coldness to it that is out of the norm for my warm, goofball friend.
“Kai—” I start to interject, saying we won’t be out long, but Dominick cuts me off.
“Excellent. I’ve got big plans for spoiling my girl today. We’ll see you all later.” Dominick gives Kai a hard clap on the shoulder as he tugs me out the front door. I glance back one last time to see Kai’s expression. His eyes are narrowed, lips flattened in a thin line like Dominick is a problem he needs to solve.