Page 20 of Exile
“I…I know him?” Her voice is soft, uncertain. She looks back at Dom with a dubiousness clouding her eyes.
“Yes, Mom, you know him. He’s been here having dinner with us every week. He brings us food from your favorite Chinese restaurant. We’ve been dating for almost two months.”
“Oh…God. I’m so sorry.” Mom’s face crumples in despair, and I push past Dom, mindful to step around the glittering shards of glass that litter the floor. When I get to her, I wrap her up in a hug, applying pressure, hoping to stave off the panic attack I know is coming.
“It’s okay, Mom. I should’ve left you a note letting you know he stayed over.” Mom’s shoulders shake as she cries into my, well, Dom’s shirt. I make soothing noises as I hold her, letting her cry out her fear and shock. In my periphery, I see Dom grab the broom and start sweeping up the broken glass. His face is dark and unreadable.
“I’m going to take Mom to her room. I’ll be back.”
Dom doesn’t say anything, just gives me a terse nod in acknowledgement as he crouches down to brush the mess into the dustpan.
“Honey, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to attack your boyfriend. I got up to get a glass of water and saw a naked stranger in my kitchen. I-I thought he had done something to you.” My cheeks heat as I remember exactly what Dom did to me tonight. I help Mom into bed and kiss her forehead.
“It’s okay. I’m sorry, I should’ve planned better. It’s okay; Dom understands your condition. He’s not mad.” At least, I hope he’s not mad. The thunderous expression on his face wasn’t exactly reassuring.
“You deserve so much better than this, Sweet Pea. You shouldn’t have to be the one supporting me. You are young. You should be enjoying your life and having sleepovers without worrying about your mom freaking out on your boyfriend.” A tear slips down her cheek, and I wipe it away gently.
“Mom, hush. I’m lucky to even still have you in my life after the accident. Go back to sleep, okay? I’ll see you in the morning.” I kiss her forehead and finish tucking her in.
Back in the kitchen Dom has finished cleaning up. He’s leaning against the counter, shoulders bunched and tense, jaw clenched. My heart stutters at the sight, worried this might be the last straw, and he will realize I’m not worth the hassle.
“I’m so sorry about that. Mom didn’t know you were staying…you caught her by surprise. She doesn’t do well with surprises. It will get better the more you come around. I promise. She does build new memories sometimes. It just takes a long time. But…I understand if this is too much for you…” My panicked ramble trails off as I watch his expressionless face give nothing away. “I know it’s a lot to deal with.” My head drops, and I break eye contact. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, eyes stinging with the tears threatening to fall.
Dominick strides across the kitchen, and in the next breath I am wrapped up in his arms. “It’s fine, Serena. We are fine. I will help you deal with this. It’s going to take something much bigger than this for me to be done with you. You’re mine now, remember?” I melt into his embrace, his words of reassurance exactly what I need to soothe the splintered pieces of my soul.
The soothing dulcet tones of the NPR announcer slowly pull me from sleep. My alarm must be going off. My body feels heavy, sluggish, and my eyes do not want to open. “Fuck…too early…” I attempt to reach out to hit the snooze button on my alarm, but my arm is pinned to my body by a lead weight. A hot, muscular lead weight. I open my eyes and see a large arm draped over my body. Dom is pressed into my back, cuddling me like an oversized koala.
“Turn it off,” Dom mumbles, his voice rough with sleep.
“I’m trying to, but you are heavy, and you’re holding my arm hostage.” Dom lets out an aggravated grunt before reaching over himself and hitting the snooze button, then snuggling back into the pillow we are sharing.
I almost let myself drift back off before I remember I have to work this morning. I don’t build any snooze time into my morning routine.
“Babe, I’ve gotta get up. I need to get ready for work. I need to take a shower and wash last night off. You made me all…crusty.” Dom’s only response is to tighten his hold on me and snuggle into me harder. I bite back a smile as I try to harden my tone.
“Dom, baby, please. I don’t want to be late.” I wiggle, trying to loosen his hold on me, but the man’s arms are a steel band wrapped around me. He doesn’t allow me an inch of movement.
“It’s too early. Go back to sleep, Kitten.” Dom’s voice is muffled in my hair as his warm breath tickles my neck.
“I know, but I get up too early every morning. I have to be at work by five. Let me up.” Dom heaves out a defeated sigh before finally rolling onto his back, releasing me from his hold. He cracks one eye open, pouting when I climb out of bed.
“You didn’t tell me sleeping with you would require waking up before the sun is even up.”
“It’s the price you pay for loving a barista. Sorry babe,” I joke before I realize I just casually dropped the “L word” in front of him. I freeze, waiting for his reaction.
He flashes a playful grin at me as he props his hands behind his head, shooting me a wink.
“Worth it.” A warm flush creeps over my body while I take in the sight of him, naked, beautiful, and sex-rumpled in my bed. He is staring at me with a feral gleam in his eye, like he’s more than ready to go for round three. The sight nearly takes my breath away. I tear my gaze away from the sex god in my bed and hook a thumb toward my bathroom.
“I’m just gonna go hop in the shower… You can snooze while I’m getting ready.” I turn to make my way into the en suite, but seconds later he is out of bed, wrapped around me from behind once again, pressing hot kisses into my neck.
“What, you’re not going to invite me into the shower with you?” Dom nips at my ear with his teeth as he grinds his rigid cock into my ass. “I could be so helpful in getting you clean, Kitten.” A low moan escapes my parted lips as my body ignites from his searing kisses. “You know what they say…many hands make quick work. I promise, I’ll be quick…this time.” One hand cups my breast, pinching my nipple between his thumb and forefinger while the other skates down my stomach, sliding under his shirt that I slept in, to cup my sex.
“Dom…” His name is barely a sigh, a prayer meant only for him. My head falls back against his shoulder and my eyes close as I drown in the sensations he floods me with. My hips start rocking into his hand, the wetness of my pussy slowly easing the soreness left from last night’s harsh pounding. Slowly, he guides us into the bathroom, taking his time to turn on the hot water in the shower as he continues to tease me.