Page 25 of Exile
Within seconds I’m wrapped up in Dom’s warm embrace, and he is rubbing soothing circles on my back, trying to calm me down. “Shh, shh, it’s okay, Kitten. It’ll be okay. I’ve got you. I’m sure one missed pill won’t be a big deal. I’ve dated women who used to forget all the time. It’s fine.”
Shaking my head, I push away from Dom to look him in the eye. “No, Dom, it’s not fine. I can’t get pregnant. Not right now. I work two jobs while going to school full time and taking care of my mom. I barely remember to feed myself some days. I am not in the place to take care of a baby.” My eyes sting with unshed tears, and I look down, not wanting him to see how close I am to losing it.
Dom cups my face in his palms and forces me to look at him. “Serena, look at me. I said it will be fine. What part of ‘you’re mine’ are you not understanding? I will take care of you no matter what. If I’m lucky enough to put a baby in your belly, then I will take care of it too. You’re not in this alone anymore. I’ve got you.” Dom pulls me back into his embrace, fully engulfing me in his hold. I don’t know how long we stay like that, but eventually he tugs me back into the bed, burying us both under the covers, me nestled into his side, using his shoulder as a pillow.
“Are you okay now, Kitten?”
I nod, letting out a little sniffle. “Yeah, I’m sorry for freaking out. You’re probably right. It’s just…been a lot the past two years, since Dad died and having to take care of Mom. Getting pregnant is absolutely not in my life plan right now.”
“I get that, Kitten. I do. But remember you have me now, and you will never have to do anything on your own again.” With those reassuring words, the panic I was feeling leaves my body, leaving me feeling more than a little exhausted. I let the soothing rhythmic beat of his heart lull me back to sleep.
Hours later, I am woken by Dom’s hot mouth licking and sucking at my breasts. He’s biting down on one peaked nipple as he pushes his rigid length into me, bringing me fully into awareness. “Dom…” His name is little more than a gasp as I become overwhelmed by the sensation of him moving inside of me.
“God, Kitten. You feel amazing when you’re so sleepy and relaxed under me. Just let me make you feel good, baby.” Dom captures my lips with his as he begins thrusting in earnest, his pelvis grinding against my clit, working in tandem with his thick cock hitting my g-spot to bring me to orgasm faster than ever I thought possible. As my walls clench around him, Dom stiffens, his release barreling through him.
“Wait, Dom, not in me!” Realization hits me almost too late when I remember we shouldn’t be having unprotected sex right now. With herculean effort, Dom pulls out in the middle of his release, spilling himself on the lips of my pussy and thighs.
“Shit, baby, I’m sorry. I was planning on pulling out, but you felt so good coming on my cock. God, you’re so perfect for me.” Leaning down, he plants a gentle kiss on my lips, coaxing me to open to him so he can lick into my mouth. Once again, I find myself overwhelmed and consumed by everything Dom and can’t remember why I should be worried about anything at all.
When we finally manage to untangle ourselves from one another and go downstairs for breakfast, I am momentarily struck dumb by the view of the valley beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows. The valley below is covered in a thick blanket of snow. At least six inches of it is piled up on the deck railing, and the tree limbs are heavy and droopy from the weight of it.
“Um…Dom…” I trail off as my brain tries to process what I’m seeing. That’s a lot of snow. Way more snow than “one or two” inches. Like, enough to keep us snowed in on this mountain for a day or two, until it melts off. We drove up in Dom’s Dodge Challenger. There is no way we are getting off of this mountain in this weather.
“Isn’t it pretty? That view is almost as gorgeous as you.” Dom comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around me in a hug, and rests his chin on my shoulder.
“Um…yeah, but we are supposed to go home tomorrow. Will this road get plowed? I can’t expect Mrs. G to just keep staying with Mom, and I have to work Monday—” Dom spins me around and cups my face in his hands, cutting off my panicked tirade.
“Kitten, calm down. It’ll be alright. I’m sure Gloria won’t mind staying an extra day, and if there is this much snow in town, I bet the coffee shop won’t even open. I’m sure classes will be canceled too. Just relax and let’s enjoy the next couple of days without any responsibilities.” He silences my next protest with a kiss that leaves me breathless and weak in the knees. When he pulls away, he flashes me his most devastating smile and winks. “I’ll make us some breakfast; you go cozy up by the fire.”
While Dom busies himself making breakfast, I grab my phone off the kitchen island so I can check in with Mom. There are a few unread messages sent by Mrs. G last night. One wishing us a good weekend followed by a picture of them on the couch with the TV screen showing a half-naked Channing Tatum dancing. Then another one with a string of fire, hot face, eggplant and thumbs up emojis. I giggle at her absurd message before hitting her contact icon to call her. She doesn’t answer, so I leave her a voicemail letting her know we are snowed in up here and ask her to call me back.
When I hang up my call with her, I decide to text Kai and see if he minds checking in on Mom and Mrs. G and let him know I’ll be gone longer than expected.
Me: Hey, we got more snow than expected up here. I don’t think we will make it back tomorrow. Do you mind making sure Mom and Mrs. G are ok?
It only takes a minute for Kai to respond to my text.
Kai: No prob. I’ll check on them. Do you need help getting home? I can use Dad’s truck to come pick you up. Just say the word, ReRe.
I grin down at my phone, heart swelling at how ready Kai is to jump to the rescue.
Me: We’re ok. Should melt by Monday. I appreciate your willingness to brave the elements to rescue us. *smile emoji*
Kai: I never said I was rescuing you both. Officer Dudley got himself into that mess. He can find his own way down the mountain.
I snort out a laugh at Kai’s last message as Dom comes up behind me and hands me a coffee cup. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me back into his firm body, and I can’t help but melt into him.
“What are you laughing at, Kitten?” Dom kisses my neck, distracting me from my conversation with Kai.
“Just something Kai said.” I shut off my phone and drop it back on the counter. Turning, I wrap my arms around Dominick’s neck as I reach up to kiss him, but when my lips meet his, I find them firm and unyielding. He doesn’t kiss me back, so I pull away, looking up at him in confusion.
“Why are you texting Kai when you are here with me?” His tone is serious, and his eyes are the color of a storm over the ocean.
“I was just letting him know I won’t be home tomorrow and asked him to check in on Mom.”