Page 39 of Burned Dynasty
“You don’t mean that. You’re just hurt tonight.”
“I am, but I’m not joking. How weird would it be if they really ended up together?”
“I’d say they deserve each other, and if that happens, it happens. We’ll deal with it…together.”
“We’re talking about the monkey in the room, Damion. He’s going to come after me.”
“I’ll handle my father, and no, not by killing him. We’ll talk about how tomorrow. Tonight, let’s just be in the moment. Be us. Okay?”
“Yes. Yes, I like that.”
“Good. Then I hope you’re up to taking care of the problem you created.” I nestle between her thighs, letting her realize just how damn hard I am again.
“Oh. My,” she says, her eyes wide.
“That’s what happens when you choose to wrap your hand around my cock.”
She laughs, a sweet musical sound, the tension of moments before fading away, lost in the soft notes. “I guess that worked for me, then. I guess you better kiss me.”
“Yes. I guess I better kiss you.”
It’s a long time later when I lay on my back with Alana nestled to my side, her head on my shoulder, her hand on my chest, her breath slow and steady. She’s been asleep for a good fifteen minutes, the lights out, the darkness surrounding us doing nothing to slow my thoughts. All it’s done is allow my anger to burn in my gut and bubble to the surface.
I keep thinking about that warning Caleb gave me to protect Alana, and the idea that he, as my father’s Mr. Fix It, did this to Alana pisses me the fuck off. I quietly snatch up my phone, turn off the volume, and shoot him a text: Did you do this?
Alana shifts next to me and rolls to her side, sinking deep into her pillow and the bed. Caleb’s reply pings: I wouldn’t hide behind a bunch of Russian goons. I warned you. And I declined the job.
Me: He must not have paid well.
Caleb: He paid damn well, but I don’t need the money anymore. I don’t need two of you coming at me from either side. And you know I hate your fucking father.
Me: Then why are you working for him?
Caleb: He throws money at problems, and his temper creates a lot of problems. It’s a lucrative gig, but not one I need to keep doing much longer.
I consider that response, but don’t take it too seriously. He’s not a man you trust. He could turn on me for the right payday.
Let’s meet, he says. Tomorrow morning. Seven am. Battery Park, the Surf and Turf patio.
The patio will be closed at that time, which makes it a good meetup spot, and I type: I’ll be there, but you need to know my security team will have us both in their sights.
Smarter than your father, he replies. You always were.
I text Blake, and once we have a plan, I roll over and wrap myself around Alana, vowing to keep her safe and end the threat we’re facing from my father—swiftly and once and for all.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Morning arrives with the bittersweet vibration of my silent alarm. Bittersweet in the way Alana’s snuggled close to me, but instead of enjoying the moment, I have a meeting to attend and a father to end.
It’s a testament to how safe she feels in our home that when I extricate myself from Alana’s arms, she doesn’t move other than to murmur, “I love you,” before nestling down deeper in her blanket. She shows me over and over how vulnerable she’s willing to be with me and it’s a gift I will never take for granted; one formed over literal decades of life.
After a fast shower, I dress in a gray pin-striped suit, fully aware of how important it is that I show my face at the office today and allow critical players in the company to see me stand tall. As for my father, he’ll see me all right, and he won’t like the result. Alana’s still resting when I slip through the bedroom into the main apartment with time to spare. I brew a pot of coffee, the rich vanilla beans Alana loves scenting the air, and I’m certain she’ll wake, her eyes soon to be alight with delight, and yet, when I return to the room, she remains in a dead sleep. The mental and physical trauma of what she went through has clearly taken a toll, and I wish like hell I could climb back in bed with her and hold her until she wakes. But keeping her safe has to be my priority. This meeting has to happen, and the sooner the better. Every moment my father isn’t dealt with is dangerous, and I will not allow Alana to become his victim again.
I walk into the living room, find a piece of paper and a pen, and write Alana a short note before texting Blake: Alana doesn’t even know I’m leaving. She’s sleeping.
Blake: Savage is staying with her. He wants to check her out again when she wakes up, just to be safe.