Page 47 of Obsidian (Lux 1)
“That, and you’re a human. Humans are weak. They bring us nothing but trouble.”
My eyes narrowed. “We aren’t weak. And you’re on our planet. How about a little respect, buddy.”
Amusement flickered in his emerald eyes. “Point taken.” He paused, his eyes roaming over my face. “How are you handling all of this?”
“I’m processing everything. I don’t know. I don’t think I’m going to freak out anymore.”
Daemon stood. “Well then, let’s get you back before Dee thinks I killed you.”
“Would she really think that?”
A dark look crept over his face. “I’m capable of anything, Kitten. Killing to protect my family isn’t something I’d hesitate over, but that’s not what you have to worry about.”
“Well, that’s good to know.”
He tilted his head to the side. “There are others out there who will do anything to have the powers that the Luxen have, especially mine. And they will do anything to get to me and my kind.”
Anxiety clawed its way back into my chest. “And what does that have to do with me?”
Daemon crouched before me, his gaze roaming the dense forest surrounding us. “The trace I’ve left on you from stopping the truck can be tracked. And you’re lit up like the fourth of July right now.” My breath caught.
“They will use you to get to me.” Daemon reached out, pulling a leaf from my hair. His hand lingered near my cheek for a second before dropping to his knee. “And if they get ahold of you…death would be a relief.” Chapter 17
Bright light pushed through the windows, piercing the darkness that I’d been so comfortable in. I groaned and pushed my head into the soft pillow. My mouth was dry and my head throbbed viciously. I didn’t want to wake up yet. I couldn’t remember exactly why I thought it was best I stay asleep as long as possible, but I knew there must be a good reason.
My muscles ached as I rolled over and pried my eyes open. Two vibrant green eyes stared intently into mine. I choked on a scream and jumped in surprise. In my shock, my legs tangled in the light blanket and I stumbled out of the bed.
“Holy mother…” I croaked.
Dee caught me, holding me upright while I untangled my legs. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
I pushed at the blanket until it settled in a messy puddle at my feet. My legs were bare. And the oversized shirt was so not mine. My cheeks flushed when I remembered Daemon tossing the shirt into the room. It had his scent, a lush mix of spice and the outdoors.
“What are you doing here, Dee?”
The tips of her cheeks flushed as she sat down on the chaise lounge across from the large bed. “I was watching you sleep.”
I made a face. “Okay, that’s creepy.”
She looked even more embarrassed. “It wasn’t like I was watching you, watching you. It was more like waiting for you to wake up.” She pushed at her tousled hair. “I wanted to talk to you. I needed to talk to you.” I sat on the bed. Dee did look tired, almost as if she hadn’t slept all night. There were dark smudges under her eyes and her arms hung lifelessly at her sides. “Still, it was a little unexpected.” I paused. “And still creepy.” Dee rubbed at her eyes. “I wanted to talk to you…” She trailed off.
“Okay, I…need a moment.”
She nodded and leaned her head back against the pale cushions, closing her eyes. After a quick look around their guest room, I headed to the bathroom. I found my toothbrush, plus other personal things on their sink I’d picked up from my house when Daemon had brought me back.
I turned on the water until it was drowning out all the sound around me. I finished brushing my teeth and started to wash my face. One look in the mirror told me I didn’t look any more rested than Dee did. I looked like hell. My hair was a tangled mess. There was a red line that etched across my cheek like a fine scratch. I cupped my hands under the hot water, splashing my face. The scratch stung.
Funny how a little spark of pain unleashed something more powerful than the fleeting ache it caused. Memories of last night crashed through me. I remembered everything.
And felt dizzy.
“Oh my God.” I gripped the cool marble of the sink until my knuckles throbbed. “My best friend’s an alien.”
Spinning around, I threw open the door. Dee stood on the other side, her hands folded behind her back. “You’re an alien.”
She nodded slowly.
I stared at her. Maybe I should’ve felt fear or more confusion, but that wasn’t what burned inside me. Curiosity. Intrigue. I stepped forward. “Do it.”
“Do what?”
“The alien light bulb thing,” I said.
Dee’s lips spread into a wide smile. “You’re not afraid of me?”
I shook my head. How could I be afraid of Dee? “No. I mean, I’m a little blown away by everything, but you’re a freaking alien. That’s kind of cool. Bizarre, but definitely on the cool side of things.” Her lip trembled. Tears turned her eyes into shimmering jewels. “You don’t hate me? I like you, and I don’t want you to hate me or be scared of me.”
“I don’t hate you.”
Dee popped forward, moving faster than my human eyes could register. She gave me a surprisingly strong hug and pulled back, sniffling. “I was so worried all night, especially since Daemon refused to let me talk to you. All I could think was I’d lost my best friend.” She was still the same Dee, alien or not. “You haven’t lost me. I’m not going anywhere.”