Page 29 of The Bull's Head
Mal frowned as he held up a hand. “Nothing. You’re one of ours, so we’ll take care of you.”
“But I’m not yours,” he snapped, then immediately regretted it. “Sorry.”
But Mal seemed unruffled. “While you’re here, you’re ours. If you decide to leave, that’s up to you. As long as we have you, though, we will take as much care as we can.”
This time Mal smiled. “You know, when Alp and I decided to take this pack on, I was certain I was doing the wrong thing. I’d been a lone wolf for years and thought I didn’t need anyone. Then I found this rabbit running from some men who were hurting him, and at that exact instant, everything I thought I knew and believed went out the door. I walk these halls, and I see the people who we’re helping, and honestly, I can’t think of a reason why I didn’t want this.” He moved closer. “I love my pack, and I’ll do whatever I have to in order to see them happy. So take the clothes and stuff, and shut up.”
Byk was going to say something, but Teddy stopped him. “Say ‘yes, First’ and let it go.”
There was a desire to argue, just to see what Teddy would say, but Byk turned to Mal. “Yes, First. Thank you.”
Mal flashed a smile. “Good night, guys. See you in the morning.” With that, he walked out.
Teddy scooted down on the bed. “Did you want me to see if there’s another room ready for you?”
Why did that thought bother him so much? He liked being with Teddy. He liked those big arms wrapped around him. He very much enjoyed the smell that surrounded him.
“Is it okay if I stay here? I’ll try to keep out of your way.”
Teddy snickered. “I was hoping you’d say that.” He rolled and took Byk in his arms. “Good night, my bull.”
And a few moments later, Teddy was asleep. Meanwhile, Byk lay there wondering what he’d meant when he called Byk “my bull.” Did Teddy think… no, he couldn’t.
Could he?
And if he did, was that such a bad thing?
Byk ruminated on that until he fell asleep.
Chapter 10
The following morning, Teddy was gone when Byk woke up. The room seemed oppressively empty, and it gnawed at him. Had he done something to drive Teddy away? Maybe he didn’t like it when Byk clung to him. Or maybe he snored without knowing it. He wasn’t sure what else it could be.
When the door opened, Byk found out where Teddy had been. He had a tray laden with food! Byk could smell French toast, butter, syrup, bacon, sausage—the list went on and on. The smile on his face was a balm to Byk. Though it hadn’t devolved into a full-on nightmare, he’d still dreamed about Cooper, and a thrill ran through him when Cooper crossed home plate to score the winning run in their game against Viceroy. Byk hadn’t even gone to the game, but it was as fresh in his mind as if he were there. He shook his head, doing his best to banish the remnants to oblivion, and instead turned his attention to Teddy.
“That is heavenly.”
Teddy placed the tray on the bed, then scooted it closer to Cal. “Everything on this tray, including the bacon and sausage, is vegan. The good thing about having so many shifters who can’t eat other things. I know I should have asked, but I figured you might at least be vegetarian.”
Again with Teddy thinking about Cal’s needs. The first person in the history of ever to do that.
“I am vegan. Cows can’t eat meat, and even though my human side would probably enjoy it, I figure I don’t want to get sick.”
Teddy nodded. “I get it. Bears are omnivores. We can eat anything and be happy with it. In this case, I’m fine having the same thing as you.”
“Oh, if you want meat, go ahead. It won’t bother me.”
He shrugged. “I’ve never been a big meat eater—well, except for salmon when Ivan and I went fishing.”
“And by fishing, you mean?—”
A cute grin made Byk smile too. “Yes, we went in bear form and batted them out of the water, then ate them on the bank.”
He and Cooper had never done anything together, except maybe fight. “I’d like to meet your brother.”
“Well, I invited him to visit. If he does, I’m sure he’d like to meet you too.” He nodded toward the tray. “Eat. We’re going to get your weight up, Dr. Hamilton’s orders.”