Page 60 of The Bull's Head
“You claim me first. That way if you change your mind, it can be before I shift and?—”
“I won’t be changing my mind. You know that bulls don’t have sharp teeth, right?”
No, Teddy hadn’t thought about that. “It never occurred to me.”
“So my bite will hurt like yours, and when we’re done, we’ll each have an interesting scar.”
“But there should be no pain for you!” Teddy shouted, then caught himself. “I’m sorry. I vowed to never hurt you.”
“Oh, sweet Teddy,” Byk murmured as he stroked a hand over Teddy’s arm. “This isn’t about adding pain. It’s about sharing the pain I already have with my mate. Our hearts and souls will be entwined, and the love I get from you will lessen any pain I’ve experienced. Please.”
Teddy pulled Byk up to him. “Claim me, my bull.”
Byk sniffled. He got off the bed and ambled to where Teddy stood. Then he shifted and became the beautiful bull Teddy’s bear found so captivating. Teddy bowed and tilted his head so that Byk could have access to his shoulder area. He didn’t wait long, because only a moment passed before a wave of pain jolted when the bull’s teeth sunk into his shoulder. He didn’t cry out, though. He would be strong for his mate.
When Byk withdrew his teeth, he flicked that big tongue over the wound, soothing Teddy. The pain diminished to an ache that Teddy relished. He’d done it. Become mated to Byk. Already he could feel the pull of his mate, the need to be closer.
So caught up in the swirl of new emotions, Teddy hadn’t even been aware that Byk had shifted. He stood before Teddy, wringing his hands.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m spectacular,” he said, reaching up to touch the now-healing wound. “And I had an idea. What if I claim you in your bull form? The bite will be spread out over a larger area, and I’m far less likely to hurt you.”
That made Byk grin. Without a word, he again shifted to his bull form, and Teddy couldn’t help but sense the pheromones in the air. Byk wanted him in the worst way. A quick shift, and Teddy lumbered to where Byk stood, his head proudly raised. The woody, crisp, clean scent made Teddy’s shaft slide out. Never in his life had he wanted to take someone in their animal form, but right now his bear would be delighted to mount the bull. Maybe one day they’d have to explore that.
He leaned in and scraped his tongue over Byk’s fur. The earthy flavor inflamed Teddy’s senses, and he knew the moment had come. As carefully as he could, he opened his jaws wide and placed them over the fleshy part of Byk’s shoulder. His bear was demanding the bite, but Teddy wouldn’t hurt Byk. He closed his mouth and pressed gently until the soft skin yielded to sharp fang and sliced the tender area. He was surprised when Byk’s blood flowed into his mouth, but what was more surprising was how much he loved the robust flavor.
When Byk leaned against him, Teddy withdrew his teeth, then urged Byk to lay on the floor. As soon as he did, Teddy curled beside him and licked his ear. Warmth rushed through him as their blood began binding together, creating something wholly unique. He knew no matter where they went, no matter what happened in the future, right now he had a mate.
And he loved him.
Listening to Teddy’s soft snuffles made Byk insanely happy. He slid his fingers down Teddy’s arm, then took his hand. All his life he’d been lonely, but now, thanks to this amazing man, he’d never be alone again. He could feel Teddy in his heart, in his mind. That empty space had finally been filled.
You’re weak. No one will ever love you.
He sat up, anger coursing through him. He’d always been the meek one. The submissive one. His parents told him he was never going to make a bull, he should have been a cow, and that hurt. Who said bulls had to be aggressive? Who said everyone had to be like Cooper? “Fuck you,” he snarled quietly.
“Byk?” came a sleepy voice as Teddy reached out a hand. “What’s wrong?”
He rubbed his palm over Teddy’s chest. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
Teddy sat up and flicked the light on. “What’s going on?”
“It’s nothing, I?—”
Teddy smiled. “We’re mated, love. You can’t hide things from me now. I can feel your anger, your pain. You need to talk to me.”
He didn’t want to talk. He wanted this whole thing to go away. To just live a life with Teddy and the rest of the Wald pack. That broken and amazing group that Mal and Alp were cobbling together. Byk had never seen so many shifters in one place. Lions, rabbits, wolves, corvid, and so many others, building a life together.
“I don’t want to die,” Byk finally admitted. “I know I said that I prayed to the Maker for it, but I don’t want that anymore.”
Strong arms wrapped around Byk and pulled him back down onto the bed. “I swear to you, I will do everything in my power to make sure that nothing happens to you. They’re reaching out to ask experts and?—”
“There are no experts, and I think you know that as well as I do. Maybe if Dr. Frankenstein was still alive, but not for this. What they did here was beyond horrific. They violated people. Killed them in the most heinous ways. And they all said it was in the name of science. This was nothing like I learned in school. This was….” The emotions finally overwhelmed him, and Byk tucked himself into Teddy’s arms. “I’m sorry.”
“For what? You’re a survivor. This place, this nightmare, impacted everyone who lives here, and yet you all came out of it stronger than ever.”