Page 77 of The Bull's Head
“Afraid so.” Teddy shrugged. “Life isn’t easy. It’s even more complicated when you have someone you want to be with on a permanent basis. You need to be mindful of their feelings over your own. You’ve got to be willing to step up and show them your heart, and let them know they now own it and hope they’ll treat it gently, just as you would theirs.” He leaned closer, bumping shoulders. “You would treat his heart gently, right?”
Ivan blew out a breath. “I don’t know how to do gentle either,” Ivan admitted.
“Then you’ve got to learn. Jerome isn’t Cece or Damon. He’s not Alp or Mal. He’s broken. Hyde hurt him to his very soul, and he needs someone who can fiercely protect him, but who can also hold him when life gets to be too much. If you can be that person, then you need to show him.”
Ivan sighed. “What if I were to bring him flowers?” He shook his head. “No, that’s stupid. He would be unable to see them.”
“I think flowers would be a good start. He might not be able to see them on the mantel, but he could smell them, touch them. Believe it or not, you’d be doing him no favors by coddling him. His life will never be what it was, and he has to accept that. However, having you in his corner? Showing him you understand? That will go a long way toward making things better for both of you.”
“So no fucking?” Ivan whined.
“Not on the first date, no. At least not if you want him to come back to you.”
“But fucking is only thing I am good for.”
“Then it’s time you started working on your skillsets. Expand your horizons. Maybe by helping him you’ll also help yourself.”
Ivan pulled Teddy close, snuggling him like he did when they were kids. “I am glad I have you in my life, Theodore. I think you make me a better man.”
“You’ve always been a good guy, and that’s who Jerome needs to meet. Stop swaggering and giving him platitudes. Show him the heart you’ve got, and he’ll realize he can’t lose you.”
Ivan kissed his forehead. “Spasibo, little brother.” He leaned back. “I am sorry for bringing my broken heart for you to mend. Please, tell me how your Byk is doing.”
“You can always talk to me about your life, but thank you for asking about Byk.” Teddy did his best to fill Ivan in on what was going on. When he finished, Ivan wrapped him in a tight hug and held on.
“I am so sorry, Theodore. Know that your Byk is strong, but having you in his corner will make him unstoppable. And we will always be by your side.” He made a face. One that Teddy knew well.
“What’s on your mind?”
Ivan gave a soft smile. “I love that no one knows me better than you. I have spoken with Cece and Damon. With Mal and Alp’s permission, I have asked to become part of your new pack.”
Teddy’s heart thudded. “Really?”
“Da. I find being away from my brother to be intolerable. I miss your smile. I miss your scent. My bear misses his home.”
“Yes! Absolutely. I would love for you to come here. But who would watch over the boys?”
“Wiley will be going abroad for school next year. Damon thinks it would do him good to expand his horizons. Micah has been accepted into an art college after someone sent them samples of his work.”
A shrug. “Maybe.”
Teddy leaned back. “You?”
A nod. “He was constantly painting and had no peers. I wanted him to get out and see there was more to the world than what he put on the canvas. I spoke with the bunny’s mother, Nura, and she was more than happy to help me find the best place for him. I then asked Cece and Damon if I could do it, and they both told me that they appreciated the fact that I saw Micah and gave their blessings. He will be taking classes now, and then when he turns eighteen, he’ll transition to their program.” Ivan grinned. “He was angry at first, thinking his parents had done it, but when they assured him it wasn’t them, he was over-the-moon happy that someone liked his work.”
Teddy couldn’t wait to meet Alp’s mother. The stories he’d heard from Cece made his heart ache, as he missed being mothered sometimes. Then again, Byk did an amazing job of making Teddy feel loved and wanted, and he could make the most amazing desserts.
“They asked him where he wanted to go, and Damon spoke glowingly of art schools overseas, but Micah wanted to be close to home and immediately said MIT. I thought they were only for technology, but they apparently have an unparalleled arts program. They were delighted to meet with him, and after he showed them his portfolio, they agreed to let him take classes.”
“I’m glad for him. Wiley we always knew would be the best First. He has his father’s focus and his mother’s strength. Plus he has George, and that calms him and makes him compassionate.”
Teddy’s phone rang. He slid it from his pocket and saw Dr. Hamilton’s name. He answered quickly.
“We’re ready to begin. Byk is looking for you.”
Of course he was. Byk was nervous about what he’d find out, and he needed Teddy there. Though how he could help with the dreams, Teddy didn’t know.