Page 82 of The Bull's Head
So Teddy went through everything Byk had told him, pausing several times to allow Damon or Cece to ask questions. When the story was done, Damon was growling.
“I wish we knew how bad this was going to be,” he snarled. “Are there other Firsts involved? This information is useless without context.”
Byk sniffled. Of course he couldn’t help. Why did he think he?—
“Damon, I love you and all, but if you don’t start thinking before you talk, I will sew your lips shut. Byk gave you a warning, which you didn’t have before. Regardless what we do or don’t know, he deserves effusive praise, do you understand me?”
A sigh. “Yes, you’re right. I’m so sorry, Byk. I—well, let’s just say my mouth goes places without my brain, and by the time it catches up, the mouth already has me in trouble. You did an amazing job, and I cannot express how grateful we are to you.”
“You are lucky you apologized,” Teddy snarled, his voice dark and husky. “I count you among my closest friends, but if you disrespect my mate again, we will have problems. Do you understand?”
Byk ran his fingers over the mark where Teddy had bitten him. Claimed him. Proved they belonged to each other. He couldn’t miss the puckers on the skin where the teeth had sunk in, and he lovingly stroked each one. He was going up against a First, and more amazingly, he was doing it for Byk.
“I think we all need to cool off,” Cece interjected. “Teddy, Damon is an idiot, which you’re well aware of, but he’s got a lot on his plate, and I ask you, as his mate and your friend, to please overlook his stupidity.”
Before Teddy could reply, Byk jumped into the conversation. “No, don’t fight. If what I found out is right, we already have enemies at the gates, and we don’t need to make them among our friends and allies.”
A hush fell over everyone until Cece chuckled. “He’s a good man, Teddy. You could not have asked for one better.”
Teddy smiled at Byk, whose face was hot, and nudged his shoulder. “I agree. Damon, please forgive me. It seems I have become very protective of what’s mine.”
“Nothing to forgive,” he assured Teddy. “It tells me your depth of feelings for Callum—Byk, I’m sorry—and I’m proud that another one of my boys found someone to love.”
“We’ll get Mal and gather in the meeting room,” Cece said. “I’ll bring Ivan along too.”
Byk hoped he could impress on them the danger that waited for them somewhere in the future.
Including whatever the Chimera was.
Byk had a feeling their lives were about to get way more difficult.
Chapter 25
Teddy stood behind Byk, digging his strong fingers into the tight muscles. He wished that he could have gone with Byk, protected him from the memories he had been forced to endure. While he was grateful for what Byk had learned, he was less than pleased he’d needed to place himself in danger for the information.
After the call with Damon, anger still crept in Teddy’s veins. Damon, his former First, had disrespected Byk, and Teddy didn’t want to let that stand. He wanted to show his former leader why you don’t mess with a bear’s mate. Byk had been right, though. There were more enemies out there, and that meant everyone in Wald could be in danger too. Perhaps that was what had him on edge. That unknown forces threatened everyone in Wald, including Byk.
“Teddy? A word, please?” Damon asked.
He stalked behind Damon, who led him from the room. As soon as they were out of sight of everyone else, Damon turned and held out his hands. “Go ahead,” he said.
“I… what?”
Damon smiled. “I was your First for years, and your friend nearly as long. I know you’re angry with me, and you’ve every right to be. Disrespecting a mate is a grievous thing, and I had no right to be so rude to Byk, even if it wasn’t what I’d meant. I open my mouth without thinking, and that’s no good for a First or a friend. So go ahead and punch me. I’ll stand here and won’t fight back.”
And that sucked the anger right out of Teddy. He wasn’t sure what to do. He didn’t really want to fight Damon. All he wanted was to protect Byk, to let him know that he was treasured beyond worth. To build him up after Hyde had torn him down. Should one poorly phrased sentence destroy a friendship that had taken forever to build?
“Damon, I….” He closed his eyes and huffed a frustrated breath. “I don’t want to fight you. Byk doesn’t wish for me to do so either. He’s not wrong. We have enough problems, and having you beaten and bloodied would not solve any of them. I’m sorry I got so angry.”
A hand patted Teddy on the back. At first he thought it was Damon, but when he turned, he found Byk there, all smiles. Teddy’s heart melted to see the look on the face he loved more than anything.
“You sent him here, didn’t you?”
A slight nod. “I asked him to talk to you and work out the differences.” He frowned at Damon. “I didn’t tell him to offer to let you beat him.”
Damon shrugged. “It’s not always easy to calm a bear. Quite often it’s best to take your lumps and let them work out the aggression.” He did something stunning then. He wrapped his arms around Teddy and squeezed. “I am so very sorry, Teddy. It seems I’ve learned so much and yet so little at the same time. I was rude to Dr. Lydia, I was rude to your Byk.” He sighed and moved back. “I think it’s time for me to step down.”
The news jolted Teddy. “What? No. That doesn’t make any sense. Your pack needs you.”