Page 126 of Morally Corrupt
"You have a lovely family…"
"Please! It's over, just leave me alone," he pleads before turning towards me with venom in his eyes. "And you? I should have expected that any offspring of Martin's would be as vile." I'm slightly taken aback at this. Adrian interjects.
"You'll address my wife with respect, Wolfe, or you will find that you won't like the consequences." Adrian's voice suddenly booms, and my cheeks warm at his defense.
"Y-Y-You…" Wolfe sputters. Adrian moves in front of him, pointing to the family photo.
"Now, let's try again. Why was your name on the list?" I casually slip a gun from my back and play with a silencer. Wolfe's eyes go wide like saucers while Adrian looks resigned. He gives me a silent sign to not act.
"I… You can't tell anyone this, please. You can't tell my family. I'll be ruined."
"We don't care about that, Wolfe. Come on."
"I used to go to this club… it was a club that auctioned people for… sex." His cheeks go red at the admission.
"I…" His eyes go back and forth from Adrian to my gun, and he swallows deeply. "I bought boys." His head drops at this.
"Boys? Define boys."
"T-T-Teenage boys." My hand immediately tightens on the gun, and it takes all my self-control to not shoot the fucker at once.
"Who was providing the boys?" Adrian continues to calmly ask, but I can see how much this bothers him.
"Jimenez… He has sex rings all over the East Coast. He arranges auctions, but…"
"But Martin got that list somehow." Wolfe nods.
"I see." Adrian stands and puts the picture back in its place.
"You won't say anything, right?" Wolfe looks at both of us. Adrian motions me towards the door, so I stand as well.
"Goodbye, Senator," Adrian says, and we leave.
In the car, the atmosphere is tense. And I simply have to ask,"Can I kill him?"
Adrian's hands splay on the wheel, and he sighs deeply, his eyes determined.
"Yes." Well, that's surprising. Giddiness overcomes me.
"Thank you!" I grab his arm and hug it to my chest in an impulsive gesture. Adrian spares me half a glance before focusing on the road, but his mouth has the slightest hint of a smile.
We check into a hotel, and I outline the plan.
"This lasted less than a day. You were great," I praise him. Honestly, I was impressed by how he handled the situation. Not so impressed with how I hadn't been able to kill him, but there's always tonight.
"You think you'll be fine on your own?" he asks after I tell him what I intend.
"I'd rather you didn't witness me… doing that," I add ruefully. I know that our working together on this case implies coming face to face with a lot of violence. At the same time, I'd rather he didn't have a picture of me killing this old man.
"If you're sure…" He doesn't look entirely sure himself, but I wave him off. I know what I'm doing, and now that I'm clean, I'm also much more aware of my surroundings. I can be in and out with no one finding out.
Later at night, I leave the hotel room, taking a long-winded way back to the senator's house to avoid detection. Once I'm there, it's easy to get inside the house.
I go to the second floor where the senator's bedroom is and see him in bed with his wife. He's lying face up and snoring loudly.
My right hand goes to my small pouch, and I withdraw a small syringe. I'd read up the senator's file and had noticed he had a heart problem. Then I'd realized what the best way to end him would be—a shot of potassium.A natural death for a foul human being.