Page 144 of Morally Corrupt
Now that I think about it, I realize how everything we've done has been me suggesting it and her going along. She's never challenged me about anything. And it's all because she was trying to please me.
I give a bitter laugh at the notion.
It feels like I've been in a relationship with a robot, not a person.
At the same time, I have to admit to myself that the real Bianca is something else entirely.
She's unapologetically raw and without polish. She's smart, capable, and a little bit too impulsive.
And I find myself liking it… likingher.
Not to mention, our chemistry has never been more potent. In bed, we're the perfect match. Outside of it… I haven't yet decided.
At this point, I've been roaming for what feels like forever. A quick glance at my watch, and I realize I've lost over two hours just going around in circles. Hoping that Bianca's also had enough time to accept the foolishness of her plan, I head back to the motel.
"Bianca?" I ask as I open the door and enter the room. I frown when she's nowhere in sight. Her entire luggage is haphazardly thrown on the bed.
"B?" I creak the bathroom door, but she's not there either. Where could she have gone?
I put all her shit back in the suitcase when I notice a note on the night table. I pick it up.
I know you won't like this, but I'm going back to the Block.
I won't be long.
Sorry in advance.
I crumple the paper in my hand and grind my teeth. Sorry in advance? How can she even write that?
"Why… Why would you fucking do this?" I say to myself, squeezing my eyes shut to calm the rage inside me.
"Fuck!" My fist flies out and connects with the wall, leaving a small crater behind that fractures into smaller fissures all around.
I can't even feel the pain radiating from my knuckles. It takes me a while to calm myself, after which I register that she's not been gone for that long. All I need is to go to the club and get her.
I search frantically for the bracelet, only to realize she must have taken it with her, purposefully keeping me away from the club.
"Bianca…" I mutter, sliding on the floor, my hands massaging my temples.
How could she do this to me?How?I keep asking myself. She knows how much I'd protested against her going, and yet she openly did it.
She doesn't care, a small voice inside my head tells me.
It's something I've noticed with her. If she gets fixated on something, she doesn't care how or who she hurts in the process; she just goes ahead with it.
I pray so hard I'm not too late when I reach the club, and even though I don't have a bracelet anymore, I try to get inside.
"Bracelet?" the bouncer demands when he opens the small window in the door. Of course, I wouldn't be welcomed in without the bracelet. As much as I try to bullshit, the only response I get is the window being shut in my face.
And when I prowl around for other hidden entrances, I find myself face to face with a group of guards who demand I leave the premises. Well, not as much as demand, as they push a gun in my face and tell me I have five minutes to disappear.
Out of viable options, I do the only thing I can think of… I very reluctantly call Vlad.Since he was the one to give us the entrance bracelets, maybe he knows what I can do to find Bianca.
"I expected you to call earlier," Vlad says the minute the call gets through.