Page 15 of Morally Corrupt
"I got two," he says.
"Same. So, one?" He shakes his head slightly.
"I think so."
People are still on the ground, shaking, and Theo tries his best to assure them they're in safe hands and that he is police.
We move around, guns pointed, backs glued to each other. Then another man opens fire. I see him just in time to push Theo out of the way and shoot. The bullet finds its way between his eyes and he drops dead.
"Nice," Theo praises.
We scout the area anew, and no other gunmen are present. I realize I need to make myself scarce. I take the stairs a few floors up before taking the elevator to the top where my room is.
To my surprise, Vlad is already there. I frown. When did he arrive?
"Did you enjoy your little break?" he asks drily, flinging a new set of clothes in my direction, together with a blonde wig. "You were reckless. Again." He rolls his eyes at me and comes closer, sniffing me. "And drunk."
"I only had a couple," I add.
"A couple too many when we had a mission." He shakes his head. "You don't have to worry about that, at least. I took care of it."
"What do you mean? Did you steal my kill?" I'm incensed, and my fingers tighten over my gun.
"Didn't you have two of those?" he asks in that bored manner of his. My eyes widen. Shit!
"They're untraceable," I respond, but he's not having it.
"Doesn't matter. Reckless. I should kill that suit of yours one of these days, maybe then your productivity will increase."
"Don't you dare!" I burst out, my voice louder than I'd intended. "Never threaten Theo again, or you'll have an enemy out of me."
"Another one?" He snorts. "Bring it on, malyshka. I wonder, between the two of us, who would win? I'll even let you sober up," he adds, amused.
"Sure," I answer sarcastically, taking the clothes and heading to the bathroom.
Thing is, I don't know who would win. Unless he loses his mind, my bet would be on Vlad, not that I'd ever tell him that.
Mission accomplished by Vlad, I get to return home early. We'd slipped out of the hotel while the police were investigating the area, barely escaping the scrutiny, since Theo was apparently seeking a red-head with sick aim. I smile to myself, satisfied that even in my disguise, I'd managed to show Theo my abilities, and we'd even fought side by side.
I sigh just thinking about it. How it would feel to be myself with Theo, for us to be a team — us against the world. The sad thing is that I know that will never happen. Knowing his obsession with justice, I'm well-aware he would never accept a vigilante like me. Hell, who am I even kidding, a killer like me?
I'm lost in my thoughts when my father once again calls out to me. What is it with him these days? Usually, we interact every other week.
"Bianca." He purses his lips, looking down at me. I really want to roll my eyes at him, but instead I just stretch my lips in a sweet smile.
"Yes, Father?"
"We're having important guests next Sunday. Be sure to be present and on your best behavior."
"Of course, Father," I agree immediately, although inside I'm fuming at his audacity to order me around. If only I had a knife right now, I'd stab and stab, and for once, I'd enjoy the blood messily spurting around.
"Good. Dress conservatively. These are important men, and they don't . . ." He looks at me as if I disgust him, "like when women are too forward. Make sure you know your place." He turns on his feet and leaves.
If looks could kill, he'd be on the floor right now. They don't like women who are too forward? My lip curls in disdain. Fucking pussies. They're just afraid to be put in their place by a woman.
Oh, how sweet it would be to make them eat their words and show them exactly what a woman can do. I guess I am a hypocrite though, since I'm holding so hard onto my meek girl image just so I can one day appeal to Theo.