Page 169 of Morally Corrupt
"I gather this is your doing?" Jimenez asks in a bored fashion.
"She's mine," Carlos replies, his jaw locked tight.
"No, she's not. And you were about to ruin my plans." Jimenez pushes me as a sign to keep walking, but Carlos isn't done.
"She was supposed to be mine," he emphasizes, and Jimenez laughs.
"She was never supposed to be yours. The deal was met, accordingly. Martin was a shrewd bastard." Carlos' eyes widen, and I can see that's the moment he snaps. He charges at Jimenez full force.
I take a step back, hoping to avoid getting between them, but a few guards materialize out of nowhere and tackle Carlos to the ground.
They immobilize his hands and drag him in front of Jimenez, who looks at him with disgust in his eyes.
"I never should have taken you on. You're a weakling, just like your whore of a mother was." He spits in Carlos' face, and he struggles against the hold of the guards. "But I did keep you because I needed an heir. Now, I need you no more."
Jimenez lifts his arm and aims the gun at Carlos' chest. The shot echoes throughout the hallway. Carlos' body goes limp, blood leaking from his wound.
"Dump him in the river," Jimenez orders the guards, and they haul Carlos away.
Jimenez slowly turns towards me.
"Now, let the show begin."
And I start walking once more.
It's the middle of the night when we manage to hijack one of the trucks. After disposing of the people inside and stealing their clothes, we're ready to go.
Marcel takes over at the wheel, while Vlad and I go in the back with some of his men. It's not precisely comfortable fitting everyone among the craters.
"Now, let's see what's so precious about these." Vlad takes a metal bar and forces the top of one of the craters off.
"So?" I ask, moving slightly closer to get a look inside.
"As I suspected," he muses and picks up a rifle from the crater. Inside, more weapons are stashed, one on top of the other. "Military grade too."
"That's a lot of weapons," I say, alarm bells ringing in my head.
"It is. But then again, a war is coming."
"And you're sure this is just for thatwar?" Vlad shakes his head.
"No… far too many for an underground war. For an all-out war, though? Not enough."
I frown.
"What do you mean an all-out war?"
"Come on, Hastings. You of all people should know. There is political instability. The alt-right movement is gaining supporters. There have already been so many small gatherings and protests all over the country. But now, they're slowly, very slowly, becoming more organized. It only takes one spark to light a torch."
"You're talking about civil unrest… instigating anarchy. Why would Jimenez want that?"
"Because when there are no rules, those who've never answered to anyone have the most to gain."
"So, you're saying that hecouldprofit from anarchy."