Page 193 of Morally Corrupt
“It’s going to be a very superior offspring, too. Why, with my good looks and your intellect, and of course, my brand of trickery, since yours is a little underdeveloped, it will be the best offspring ever!”
“Right. I’m happy you’re taking the news in stride.”
“It’s going to be a girl,” I state. “And she’s going to be beautiful and smart and she’s going to break a lot of hearts.”
“I’m not sure I want her breaking hearts,” he murmurs.
“So you’d rather have others break her heart?”
“Of course not. Can there be no breaking of hearts?”
“No. She’s mine. Of course she’ll break hearts. It’s like imprinted in her DNA.”
“And what hearts did you break, B?” His tone becomes serious.
“Oh, all types. You know…”
“No, I don’t think I do. Who are we talking about here?”
“I don’t know, all the heterosexual men who see me?”
His eyes darken.
“But then they see I am taken and wholeheartedly in love with my husband?”
He’s still not smiling.
“And of course their hearts break because I am so unavailable I need to invent a new word to quantify my level of unavailability. So you see, our daughter will inherit that.”
“And if it’s a boy?”
“Doesn’t matter.” I wave my hand. “Same breaking of hearts.”
“You have it all planned out,” he mentioned, amused. His gaze is filled with love as he reaches across the table to grab my hand.
“Of course. In fact, it all works out. Think about it. Our kid will be breaking the hearts. You can break their legs if it’s a male—I know you don’t hit females. And I can break everything else. See? It’s perfect!”
“Your logic is flawless as always, B,” he murmurs seductively.
“I’m glad you think so. I’ve given it a lot of thought.” I nod.
It was entirely unexpected to realize I might want to have a child. From the beginning, my fear stemmed from the fact that I wasn’t sure whether I would be able to love my child as it deserved. But as I’ve thought about it more and more, I realized that there is no way I won’t be able to love that child. It will be mine.
It will spend nine months in my body, it will feed through me, and it will have half my DNA. Of course, it helps that the other half is that of Adrian, the only other person in the world I can say I love.
“I have another surprise for you,” Adrian mentions.
He removes an envelope from under the table and slides it toward me.
I take it and open it to see that it’s a picture of a house, with an address underneath it.
“What’s this?”
“That is our new country house in Scotland,” he explains.
I narrow my eyes at him.
“This isn’t a house, babe. It’s a freaking mansion.”