Page 196 of Morally Corrupt
Adrian closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
“Diana already has you breathing down her neck. She doesn’t need another overbearing parent.”
“Adrian! I am not overbearing.”
“Oh, dear, I think you are way past overbearing. You might get both of us arrested if you keep this up.”
“As long as I stop that little shit from going near my daughter.”
He shakes his head at me.
I press on the gas pedal, moving faster towards Cambridge. I may be breaking a few speed limits, but my daughter is more important than a few tickets. Adrian can pay them, as usual.
When we finally reach the university, I drive around until I find Diana’s building. I’ll check on her first and then I’ll go coerce someone from the registrar to give me all the information they have on Agosti. Yes. That is a good plan.
Parking near the entrance, I get out and open the trunk, grabbing a couple of guns and strapping them to my thigh.
Adrian comes behind me and wraps his coat around my shoulders.
“People will see,” he whispers.
“See, this is why I love you,” I murmur as I turn to give him a quick kiss on the lips. “You might disagree with my choices, but you’re always supporting them.”
“Don’t remind me.” He rolls his eyes, but a smile creeps on his face.
Now armed, I grab his hand and pull him toward the building.
When Diana told me she’d found a place, I, of course, found out everything about the location and made duplicates of all her keys. I haven’t yet gotten to the point of installing cameras, but now that Agosti is sniffing around her again, I might have to.
We get past the doorman and we go to the elevator.
“I don’t know what you think you’re going to find, B. They likely haven’t spoken in ages. I doubt she even knows he’s studying here, too.”
“You’re far too optimistic, babe. Even if Diana doesn’t know now, she will know soon enough. I have no doubt Agosti will try something.”
“I truly don’t understand what you have against that kid.”
I suddenly turn to him and stare him in the eye.
“I don’t like the way he looks at her.”
“And that is?”
I take a deep breath.
“The way I used to look at you before you knew me. Intense. Calculating. He’s waiting for the right moment, I know it. And he won’t stop.”
Adrian blinks. Then he releases a string of curses.
“Then I suppose we must make sure he understands she’s off limits.”
“I’m glad we’re in agreement.” I nod.
The elevator pings and we reach Diana’s floor.
I march down the hallway with Adrian following behind. But as I get closer to her apartment, the worst of my fears start to materialize.
“Shhh,” I whisper.