Page 2 of Morally Corrupt
"You're getting too personal and in my personal space." His hand comes to my forehead, giving me a flick that has me wince in pain.
"That hurt, asshole,” I mutter, keeping a distance between us.
Back to watching the couple, I tell them to switch positions and get to the nitty gritty. I already know Vlad won't stand still for much longer, so I might as well get to the highlight of the show.
Bentham is on his back and Abigail climbs on top of him, lowering herself onto his dick and riding him. From my vantage point, it looks rather . . . simple.
"Hmm . . ." I muse, bringing my thumb up and placing it under my chin. It can't be too hard.
So focused I am on watching Abigail's movements that I don't realize Vlad swiping the gun from my hand. I turn to him in time to see him aim at Bentham. Everything happens in slow motion as I open my mouth to scream no, before remembering I shouldn't draw any attention. The silencer on the gun ensures the shot is inaudible. I look in horror as a red circle appears on Bentham's forehead.
"You didn't!" I breathe out, my eyes widening at his audacity. Not only did he just ruin my show, but he also stole my fucking kill. "Vlad. You . . ." I purse my lips, holding myself together. It won't do good to explode right now. Not when Abigail is wailing by Bentham's dead body.
"You." Vlad points to Abigail, his voice dull and emotionless.
Vlad has certain triggers that make him . . . volatile. The easiest way to recognize the signs that he might succumb to his malady — whatever that is — is to watch his voice. He's learned to perfect an amiable, sarcastic tone, mostly so that people will find him harmless and normal. He's anything but, though. And when his voice becomes cold . . . I shudder instinctively, my eyes going to the window. We're on the fifth floor. I wonder how many bones I'd break if I were to jump. I mentally remember the layout of the hotel and the outside architecture, hoping there's at least something to whichI can hang on. One thing's for sure: if Vlad goes mad, I'm out.
"Get back on top and fuck him," he commands. I tilt my head very slowly, and I see that his eyes don't have a glazed look — yet. Ok, maybe he's not that gone.
"But . . . he's dead," the girl whimpers, trying to cover herself.
"I don't care," Vlad continues. "Now!" His voice booms, and Abigail finds herself unable to refuse.
Bentham's dick is still hard, even though his eyes are blank. Abigail lowers herself on him once again, this time with uncoordinated movements.
"What do you think you're doing?" I hiss at Vlad. This wasn't what we'd discussed.
"I want to see if a corpse can ejaculate," he states in all seriousness.
“W-what?" Even to my ears, that sounds crazy. But one glance at his face and I can see he's invested in this. Great! Another one of his science experiments.
I settle back in my chair, and we both watch as Abigail keeps on fucking herself on a dead man's cock. Time goes by, and nothing happens.
"Let's finish this and go." I get up to leave, already miffed with Vlad.
He doesn't seem to hear me, as he tilts his head to the right, his eyes focused on Abigail.
"Vlad!" I snap my fingers in front of him, but he just swipes my hand aside. He raises his eyes to look at me, a bored expression on his face.
"Fucking hell!" I curse, snatching my gun from his hand. "One thing I asked. Just one. And you had to ruin it."
"But how often do you get to see someone fuck a corpse?" He asks me, looking so innocent. I narrow my eyes at him.
"You're sick," I mutter under my breath. While I am not quite normal myself, I'm certainly nowhere near Vlad's level of fucked up. That is a competition I will always lose, as much as it pains me to admit.
Grabbing onto his jacket, I pull him to his feet, ready to end this. He seems to have other ideas, though, as he wraps his hand around my arm, pushing me out of the way.
My mouth drops open, my eyes wide as I look at him incredulously. Did he just push me? It's instinctive as my fist shoots out, nabbing his cheek. Head to the side, he checks his jaw for any damage, before slowly turning toward me, his eyes glinting with excitement.
"You want it rough, little goddess?" he says a second before he delivers an uppercut straight to my gut. I don't even get to wince in pain as I get ready to parry his next hit, all the while landing others of my own.
Fists flying, we're messing around at this point.
Then it all stops.
Vlad's got one hand wrapped around my throat, and with the other, he throws his dagger so it lodges straight in between Abigail's eyes as she was about to make her escape. Releasing me, he goes to check on both bodies.