Page 21 of Morally Corrupt
"What is it?"
During his visits in the last few months, we'd engaged in some small talk and we'd gotten to know each other better. Well, he'd gotten to know Bianca Ashby. I already knew all there was to know about him.
"I know we haven't known each other that long but . . ." He trails off, bringing his hand up to scratch the back of his head.
"I talked to your father, and I asked permission to court you," he blurts out suddenly, and my eyes widen. What? "If you're agreeable, that is," he amends.
"You're asking to date me?" I ask him to clarify, because really, this was the last thing I would have imagined he would say. A spark lights itself within my heart, and I get the urge to smile like a fool — but I know I can't. I need to keep my ruse.
"I know this is rather out of the blue. I've esteemed you for a long time now, but I was trying to give you space to get used to me since I know you've never dated before," he adds, almost apologetic.
"You like me?" I must sound like a broken record, but I need him to spell it out for me so I can throw an inner party and finally plan our future wedding.
"Yes." He nods, and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, he gives me the most gorgeous smile. I almost swoon, but not quite, since I need to keep up my shy girl image. I lower my head and blush.
"I'd like that very much," I tell him, probably the only honest thing I've ever told him. "You said my father approves?"
"He'd given me permission a few months ago, but it was my prerogative to take it slow. I don't want you to feel pressured in any way to say yes to me . . ."
"No, no," I say, rather quickly. "I'm not pressured. I like you too," I admit, lowering my gaze.
I watch from under my lashes as a wide smile spreads across his face.
"I'm curious," I start, still not looking at him. "Since when have you liked me?"
"Since I first saw you," he answers solemnly and I hold my breath. It can't be, can it?
I wreck my brain for the dates and realize he broke it off with Pink after that disastrous lunch. Is it possible I was the mysterious woman all along? I suddenly want to laugh at the absurdity of it all.
I was jealous of myself.
I school my features, centering my thoughts on the present. I slowly lift my head to gaze at him bashfully.
"I'm glad," I whisper.
Maybe not all is lost.
I put in a lot of effort for our first date. After spending hours shopping and watching different tutorials to learn how to comport myself, I feel like I am finally ready.
I'd chosen a black dress that, while modest, still emphasized my curves and drew eyes to my cleavage. Theo needs to be reminded that while I am a sweet, gentle woman, I am still a sexual being and his thoughts should be focused on that. He should yearn for me, but not get me. This is all about building that anticipation that will make him mine in the end.
I slip my feet into a pair of sandals and I head downstairs.
Theo is already waiting for me, looking as sleek as always. Taking advantage of the fact that he has not noticed me yet, I let my gaze roam greedily over his figure. He is so decidedly attractive that I feel myself growing wet just gazing at him. All these months of celibacy haven't done me any good, and I'm one step away from pouncing on him.
He suddenly turns, his eyes roving over my body, the darkening of his irises a good indication that he likes what he sees. By now, I'm quite familiar with Theo's cues, especially his sexual ones. And I know he's one step away from ravishing me, too.
Oh, if only he would . . .
"You look exquisite," he rasps, and I give him a shy smile and a blush.
"Thank you. You too."
He offers me his hand, taking me to a cab and then to our restaurant. I can tell he's put a lot of thought into this. The entire setting is intimate and romantic. We are led to a small alcove, and we both take our seats.
"This is lovely." I add, trying to break the awkward silence. I look up slightly to see Theo staring at me intently. I frown.