Page 91 of Morally Corrupt
"Now, where were we?"
"Maybe on the why Bianca is here," I answer drily. It's clear to me that no one means her harm here. If they had, she wouldn't be sleeping peacefully after pointing a gun at Vlad. On that point, I'm relieved. But I still want to know what Vlad is willing to impart.
"I've known your wife for over ten years." He pulls a drawer, taking a pack of gum and popping one in his mouth. Chewing on it, he continues, "She's what you'd call my friend."
I frown at this. Over ten years? Friend?
Hell no.
Even as a dude, I have to admit that Vlad is an attractive guy. There's no way…
My suspicion must be written on my face because Vlad scowls and stops my train of thought.
"Easy, boy. It's probably not what you're thinking of. I mean… ew. No offence, but I'm not one to exchange bodily fluids… with anyone." He makes another disgusted face at the thought before continuing, "I don't know how much Bianca's told you but… we used to be partners."
I release a breath I didn't know I was holding at his confirmation that they're strictly platonic, although I mentally chastise myself for even caring.
"In…?" I ask, and he shakes a finger at me.
"You know exactly in what." No incriminating evidence. I chuckle but let him have his way.
"Then I guess you also know she's a sociopath," I carefully add, watching closely his body language.
"Of course," he readily agrees, popping another piece of gum into his mouth. "That's why we were partnered in the first place. You see, we share a similar affliction, Bianca and I. But my case… is a little more volatile," he casually says. "Our temperaments were opposite, but complementary. And we worked perfectly together."
"What was she, fifteen, sixteen? How can someone that young do that?"
He drums his fingers on the surface of the desk. One glaring thing about Vlad is that he can't seem to stay still.
"Did she tell you about her nanny?" he asks, and I nod.
"Then you realize it's not too young. By that time, she'd already had years of training. I'll be honest, I've never seen anyone with a better aim than B, only when she's not coked up though." His use of her nickname grates me, but I have to admit that he knows things about her I don't. I can't deny that they have a special bond.
"How long has she been using?" I ask what has been on my mind for days now.
"Honestly… I don't know. It's not her first rodeo with coke, though. She's had on and off periods with it, but she's never truly been off it, I think."
"Why though? What would prompt her to do this… any of this?" I ask, almost exasperated.
"She's not normal, Hastings. She's not and never will be. You have to come to terms with this if you want to be with her." I want to correct him and tell him we're already over, but I let him continue.
"For people like us, it's hard to conform to normality. To social norms. We just need a trigger and off we go. Hers was the nanny. Drugs… let's just say they help us be less apathetic. When all you know is a sea of nothingness, you'd do anything to cause a little wave."
"So that's how you're justifying her being an addict?" I ask, shaking my head at his logic. "By that logic, you should be one too."
His eyes are on that pendulum again.
"We all have different drugs. Mine just don't happen to be an illicit substance." He doesn't elaborate on that.
I sit still for a moment, digesting what Vlad's saying. But I still can't help myself. I want to understand. Hell…
"How can I even contemplate being with a person who manipulated and lied to me? She isn't capable of empathy, of love."
"Is she not?" he asks, his eyebrow raised. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not sure she's capable of those things either. But I've known her long enough to see how irregular her behavior is towards you. For someone who kills in cold blood, the instinct to protect is entirely antithetic. And yet, all she's ever done has been to protect you."
"What about you, then? If you say you don't feel either, why are you helping her?"
Vlad chuckles, shoving yet another piece of gum in his mouth.