Page 98 of Morally Corrupt
I'd had to keep myself from checking up on her again. Although, with recent developments, it looks like I might have to do just that.
"Does she know why you've been after Jimenez for so long?" I shake my head.
"I don't think she knows the details, only that it's personal."
"We should still try to get her on board. It would look too suspicious if you showed up without her."
"I know, I thought about that as well." I sigh aloud before saying, "I'll reach out to Vlad tonight, maybe see her tomorrow."
"Good. I have to say I was astonished when you told me about Bianca's relationship with Vlad."
"He assured me it's always been strictly platonic," I feel compelled to add, and I see Marcel fighting a smile.
"And that was the most important thing for you, wasn't it?"
"Of course," I answer too readily and catch myself. "Shit…" I laugh. "This situation has been messing with my brain."
"You're not a saint yourself,Adrian." Marcel arches an eyebrow at me. "Maybe cut her some slack." Marcel had been the first to call me out on some irregularities in my background, and the only person to know my true identity. What began as a slight rivalry soon grew into an unexpected friendship.
"I don't think her killing people bothers me as much as her manipulating me. From what she's told me, her first kill was definitely warranted. The others? I don't know. Vlad assures me they weren't innocent. But sheliedto me. She put on an act. I don't even know the real her, and that's the main problem."
"Then get to know her. Therealher."
"Easy for you to say," I mumble, crossing my arms defensively. Since when is Marcel Bianca's biggest supporter?
"Sometimes, maybe even monsters deserve some redemption," he says, more to himself.
I cock my pistol and shoot. One down. I move one meter to my left and repeat the movement. Two down. I do it again and again until I've finished the row.
Then, I head to the targets to check my results. Bull's eye. Every single one of them.
I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. My coke-free body can still hit the mark. My abilities haven't been compromised.
I have to admit that one of my biggest concerns has been that without coke, I will suddenly stop being me… especially in the field.
Today is the first day I've picked up a gun since the withdrawal fiasco, and my fingers don't tremble. No, in fact, my vision is sharper, my awareness has increased. Maybe being drug-free isn't so bad.
"Guess who's going to be here in about thirty minutes." Vlad's voice takes me by surprise, and I look back to see him heading towards me.
"I told you it would work, didn't I?" He winks at me.
"How did you even know?" Some of the things Vlad knows sometimes take me by surprise. It's like you can't hide any secret from him. Which is also how he'd devised his plan.
"I have my ways. Now, you might want to change into something else." I look down at myself and notice how sweaty I am. Ever since my head had cleared, I'd been using Vlad's gym. I was now only wearing a pair of gym shorts and a sports bra.
"Fine, I'll meet you in a few," I say and jog towards my room.
Thankfully, Vlad had brought some clothes from my apartment. I'm halfway across the lawn when a car pulls up in the driveway.
I stop and crane my neck. Getting out of the car, I see Marcel and Theo, both dressed in their immaculate suits. Vlad must have seen them too because he catches up with me and sniffs me.
"You don't smelltoobad."
"Thanks," I say drily. Both Vlad and I go over to the men and quietly greet them before heading to Vlad's office. I just hope that Vlad's prediction will be accurate. As we head to the room, I realize that Theo keeps avoiding my gaze. He's bound to talk to me, though.