Page 33 of Mayhem and Minnie
I maintain the eye contact for a few seconds as a smile curves my lips.
“Indeed.” I chuckle. “You’re a good sport, aren’t you, Minnie?”
She presses her lips together. Her eyes are so dark in the dim lighting of the car, they’re like two infinity pools striving to pull me inside.
“I can be,” she says after a moment’s thought. “If you want me to…”
“Good.” I nod and release her.
I glance at my hand. There’s an odd tingling sensation where my skin touched hers.
I frown.
She is odd. My reaction to her is odd.
Every goddamn thing that happened today was odd.
Yet for once, instead of letting my obsessiveness for order rule me, I decide to embrace the chaos.
“You’re coming home with me,” I declare.
I don’t give her time to voice a protest, though it doesn’t seem she wants to.
This is it. The moment I’ve been waiting for all my life.
The perfect murder.
I will kill her.
And I’ll relish every single moment of it.
We reach my house around nine in the evening.
Only two hours left until my scheduled bedtime.
Two hours in which I’m unlikely to enjoy any Supernatural episodes.
My lips flatten in disappointment.
As the car comes to a stop, I glance at my little passenger.
Her eyes are wide and full of curiosity as she glances around. Surprisingly, she doesn’t appear afraid.
Today, she was the victim of two assaults, yet she willingly agreed to come home with a stranger.
Does she have no self-preservation at all?
Does she not realize that the world is not a kind place for women?
By her own admission, she’s been through some rough situations in the past—things that should have hardened her toward the world and made her distrustful of everything and everyone.
But as she looks at me, there’s none of that. There’s only an odd, unwavering trust, as if she were ready to jump off the top of a building if I said so—though I will not.