Page 54 of Mayhem and Minnie
“Oh.” Her eyes flare with concern. “My last name…” She trails off, her hands in her lap, her fingers working furiously buttoning and unbuttoning the cardigan.
I should have asked her this earlier so I could do a background check on her. Why did I not think of it last night? I let the little heathen sleep in my house, for fuck’s sake. You’d think I’d take more precautions with something so important.
Yet that never once crossed my mind.
My hands tighten on the steering wheel.
“A?” I raise an eyebrow.
She gulps down.
“Minnie An’yan?”
She nods.
Looking forward to see what the internet has to say about you, Minnie An’yan.
We arrive in the city and soon park at Bloomingdale’s.
My mother shops there. And if nothing else, at least I can trust her fashion choices.
A valet comes to take our car, but as we get out, he seems to forget his duties as his eyes become glued to Minnie.
He has a silly smile on his face as he makes a beeline toward her.
What the fuck?
Minnie’s eyes widen, and she takes a step back, surprising me when she uses me as her shield.
“You’re so beautiful, miss,” he gushes in a sickeningly sweet voice. He barely notices me, or if he does, he pays me no mind. His focus is entirely on Minnie. “The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he continues.
I frown and glance at her.
The most beautiful woman? I scoff. This man needs to get his eyes checked. Her features are pleasant and I might even call her pretty when she’s freshly showered, but the most beautiful? That’s stretching it.
Minnie wraps her fingers around my arm and gives me a worried look.
At the same time, the valet continues walking toward us. It’s almost as if Minnie is his entire focus, and nothing can shake that. Not even the honking of cars or the fact that I’m raising my voice at him. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
He ignores me.
It’s almost as if he’s bespelled as he continues to spout nonsense about how beautiful Minnie is.
“I must touch you,” he suddenly says. He reaches with his arm forward, but I don’t give him time to do anything as I catch his arm and twist it behind his back, all the while keeping Minnie behind me and away from him.
“The only thing you’ll touch is a wooden casket, if you’re lucky,” I tell him in a low voice. “Now get lost before I decide to bury you alive—no casket for you.”
Minnie is completely shielded by my body at this point, and I note that the man finally gets to his senses. His eyes are wide with shock as he regards me.