Page 71 of Mayhem and Minnie
She must be tired.
She’s already cleaned most of the ground floor. I know firsthand how energy-consuming that is. But she hasn’t complained once.
Hell, she didn’t need to clean everything today. But it seems to be a way to rebel against whatever I did.
And I’m still left scratching my head as to what the hell I must have done or said wrong.
She was so happy this morning when we went shopping. But after the car ride home, she suddenly did a one-eighty.
Is she mad about what I said about that soulmate of hers?
Maybe that’s it.
But the moment I think of that, my entire body tenses. Just who the hell is that wimp who would leave this poor little girl to fend for herself? She has no one in the world. Seeing how men flock to her and give her unwanted attention, she has most likely been living with danger looming over her head at all times. It’s no wonder she went to prison for assault—a well-deserved assault if I do say so myself.
It’s clear her entire life has been one struggle after another.
So where the hell is that knight in shining armor of hers? If she knows who he is, why has she not gone to him? And why the hell has he not tried to find her?
If that were me…
No. I shake my head at my own thoughts. I will not go there.
She’s not my responsibility, nor is she my concern.
But deep down you want her to be…
That’s partially correct. The only reason why I’m so interested in Minnie is because I’ve never met someone quite like her before. And she has all the makings to be the perfect hundred and fifty-eighth victim.
With one exception…
She’s never done anything truly bad in her life. Yes, she might not have anyone who would miss her. But I don’t kill innocents. And the more I learn about her, the more I see her for the pitiful creature she really is.
My lips flatten in annoyance.
This is a quandary I must solve, and soon.
I suppose I could keep her as my maid. She’s certainly not bad on the eyes in that outfit of hers. She can clean and cook, and I’ll take care of everything else.
I’ll keep her fed and clothed, and I’ll ensure she’s never in danger from creepy-ass men.
I slowly nod to myself. That’s not such a bad idea now, is it?
And to make sure she’s still of use to me, I can use her to attract my future kills—all in a safe and contained environment, of course.
Perhaps a tad different than what I initially had in mind, but she’ll still have her use.
Take that, wimpy soulmate of hers!
In the grand scheme of things, I win.
I chuckle to myself.
And if he perchance shows up, then I must, of course, get rid of him. After all, he is no innocent if he left this poor girl to suffer alone.
“Marvelous idea,” I say to myself, a satisfied smile appearing on my face.
I won’t kill her. I’ll just kill her soulmate instead.