Page 76 of Mayhem and Minnie
Years of mental training going down the drain. Just like that.
She leans back, satisfaction gleaming in her eyes.
“Oh, I think it did.” She chuckles as she nods to my body.
I frown.
But then it dawns on me what she means.
She’s pointing to my tented pants.
Because I’m hard. For her.
Fucking hell!
I mutter a string of curses and wrench myself from her side.
She smiles triumphantly, but there’s still a tinge of sadness in her features. One I cannot explain.
Clearing my throat, I take a seat once more at the table and decide to focus on the food. Perhaps that will alleviate the discomfort in my pants—something I’ve never had to worry about before.
The stew has gone cold by now, but the smell is not any less inviting.
I dip my spoon in the stew and bring the food to my lips.
I freeze.
What the fuck…
I barely swallow before I take another spoonful, then another, until I’m scraping the bottom of the bowl.
It’s the best thing I’ve ever eaten in my life. Rich with flavor and spices, the sauce is absolute perfection. Couple it with the tender beef and I’m already salivating for seconds.
This is not normal.
I don’t do seconds.
I’m very disciplined in my eating. Three meals a day, two snacks. Every meal is portioned to perfection to contain the right amount of nutrients.
I don’t do excess.
But it appears this is another personal rule I’m breaking because of her since I don’t even bother with the bowl anymore. I grab the entire pot and place it in front of me, ready to dig in.
“You approve of my cooking?” she asks at last.
I raise my eyes. For a moment, I forgot she was there. So absorbed I was in that stew that I lost track of everything around me.
I hum in approval.
“This wasn’t one of my approved recipes,” I note, though I’m not mad in the least.
“No. It’s my own recipe,” she mentions.
“It’s good.” No, it’s very good. Bordering on orgasmic.
I’ve never thought of food in those terms before. In fact, I thought it was an idiotic phrase coined by horny people who wanted to make everything in their lives about sex.