Page 78 of Mayhem and Minnie
It’s almost ten o’clock.
My curfew is approaching, though this would not be the first time I’d miss it.
Ever since Minnie came into my life, my routine has greatly suffered, one way or another. My sleep, most of all.
I no longer go to sleep at my designated time, nor do I sleep as much as my body needs to.
My dreams are always plagued by her scornful expression every time I try to talk to her, to the point that I’m now wary to close my eyes for fear of another nightmare.
I scoff at myself.
Hear that. Me, having nightmares about a slip of a girl because she’s ignoring me.
I suppose you could say I don’t like being ignored, but that would presume that I interact with people enough to warrant that ignoring.
I don’t.
At most, I delegate tasks and communicate my business needs online, or if need be, through Giles.
As such, I can’t say I’ve ever experienced being ignored.
Perhaps this is why it’s so striking. It’s simply the novelty of it.
I nod to myself. Yes, that must be it.
Straightening my back, I start down the stairs.
Minnie is in the hallway, on her knees. She doesn’t react to the sound of my footsteps. She simply pretends I’m not there.
Goddamn it.
It appears I do not like this business of being ignored. It must be remedied immediately.
“It’s late,” I comment, hoping it would draw her into conversation.
She doesn’t reply.
“How late will you work?” I rephrase my question, since now she’ll have to answer it.
A small sound erupts through the empty hall, something between a scoff and a grunt. She raises her eyes to look at me, her gaze murderous.
If looks could kill, I’d be dead and buried. Perhaps even tortured before said death.
I clear my throat.
“You don’t have to work so late.”
She glares at me then huffs aloud and turns her back to me. Correction, since she’s on her knees, she turns with her ass to me.
I gulp down.
Her dark stockings hug her shapely legs. Her uniform has bunched up her body, the hem barely covering her ass.
I find myself rooted to the spot as I cannot wrench my gaze away from her. It’s almost as if I’ve been bewitched. There’s no other explanation.
There’s no other time in my life that I can remember where I’ve reacted to a female like this.