Page 8 of Lights Out
“Huh. You seem like his type. I was a little jealous.”
“Of who?”
He shrugs. “I guess both of you. I crushed on him in the beginning. I figured he’d be into you.”
“I have no idea if he ever was but fuckbois aren’t a vibe for me.”
Kit chuckles, nodding sagely. “He covered some decent ground, didn’t he?”
“Yeah.” I push a curly tendril off his forehead. “Did you ever tell him you liked him?”
“Nah, it wasn’t like that.” He shifts in his chair, looking over his shoulder. “This one time at a party, we were wasted, right?”
“I don’t know what happened but we both leaned in at the same time like we were gonna kiss.”
“Oh, now this is juicy. What happened?”
“Our lips almost touched, like I could feel his breath, and then we pulled back at the same time too. It felt like I was about to kiss my brother.”
I laugh, clapping my hands. “Oh gawd. I’m dead.”
“He said the same thing. Maybe it was curiosity or we were just horny, but yeah, we couldn’t see it through.”
“Probably for the best.” I pat his hand. “We all know Indy loves ‘em and leaves ‘em.”
“That he does. I can’t wait for the day someone locks him down. It’s gonna be some epic shit.”
“For real. If it happens. He might be one of those eternal bachelor types.”
“Nah, his heart is too big. He’s living life and enjoying his youth, but I predict he’s gonna fall and hard.” He rubs his hands together. “Can’t wait.”
“You’re downright gleeful over his demise.”
“I am. Gay hearts around the world will break when Indiana Hart is off the market.”
“Very true.”
Kit grabs my hand, holding it to his chest. “And French boys’ hearts will break when you turn them down.”
I put my other hand over his. “Thanks, boo. I’m gonna miss you idiots.”
“Back at ya.”
The guys file back to the table, a skunky smell wafting around them. I wave my hand in front of my face. “You stink now.”
Indy, red-eyed and happy, wraps his big arms around me and plants a wet kiss on my cheek. “Another round, pretty boy? I’ll get you a martini, nice and dirty.”
“You do know the way to my heart, don’t you?”
Idon’t want this night to end.
Dammit, I knew I shouldn’t drink so much on a night when I’m barely keeping it together. By morning, these guys who have held me up the past three years will go off in different directions, and then what? We’ll become strangers. I fucking know it.
“Hey.” Kit’s deep voice cuts through the storm of emotions swelling in my head. “It’s okay, man. We’re all feeling it.”