Page 47 of Midnight Kiss
“Alex.” She got up and came over, her bare feet whispering across the tiles in his kitchen.
I despised my reaction to seeing her here. I wanted her safe, and she wasn’t in her apartment, protected by my wards. As much as Michael cared for her, he didn’t have the power to stop vampires from murdering her, kidnapping her, and forcing her to give them the book. And if they did that, she was dead anyway.
There has to be another way.
But my research had turned up nothing so far. I held out a hand to her, and she took it and came into the hall. She hugged me, and I looped a possessive arm around her back, leaning in to kiss her forehead.
I cursed myself for wanting to touch her.
“Thanks for everything, Mike,” Emily said. “I’m good now. I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m going to figure it out.”
“Sure,” Mike said, and shut the door.
“Figure what out?” I asked, as we walked back to her apartment.
“It’s going to sound silly,” Emily said, glancing up at me and stunning me with those beautiful blue eyes, “but I’m kind of convinced that the blood-stained library book I brought home has either made me sick or it’s cursed me. Or both.”
I entered her apartment behind her.
“There are just too many weird things happening. First, I get sick right after bringing it home, and then the bats, and the only time I feel good is either when I’m out of my apartment or when I’m with you.”
I froze. “When you’re with me.”
“What about when you’re with Morgan? Or Mike?”
“I haven’t seen Morgan in a while, so I can’t tell, but when I’m around Mike, well, we’re usually outside of my apartment.”
Good news, given that I didn’t want him near her at all. But this was important. A test, even. “Do you mind if I call your friend over here?”
“Here? To the apartment? Now?”
“Yes,” I said. “I want to test if you feel better when he’s around. I will be standing out in the hall.”
“Wait.” Emily came closer. “Wait, you’re actually taking me seriously.”
“Of course.”
“But I’m telling you that I think some ancient journal is making me sick. That doesn’t sound crazy to you?”
“Ignoring signs and symptoms is crazy. Not testing out theories because you’re afraid other people will think poorly of you is crazy,” I said. “Besides, I’ve spent my fair share of time around the mundane.”
“You have?”
“Yes. Now, wait here.” I went over to Michael’s apartment. I didn’t want to engage with the mortal again, but this was a necessity. If Emily felt better around me, could it be that there was a way I could save her without turning her?
I knocked.
Michael cracked the door open, and his shoulders slumped at the sight of me, his upper lip curling. “What do you want?”
“I would like to invite you over to Emily’s apartment for a short time.”
“No thanks. I’d much rather read a book than watch you two get it on.” He made a move to close the door.
I slammed my palm into it and forced it open, careful not to use too much of my strength and give the game away. “I’m not requesting it for me. It’s for Emily. She’s ill. She’s sure that it’s the book making her sick.”
“Yeah. I heard all about it.” Mike rolled his eyes.