Page 31 of Siren in the Rain
Everyone stares at her in silence.
Emma bravely continues. “I was having trouble finding work because I never attended a magic academy. My family didn’t have the money for that.”
Ruby’s eyes widen. “You mean you’re a self-taught Potion Master?”
“Mostly. I did some short apprenticeships with a few Potion Masters, but that still didn’t help me land any stable employment.”
Ruby sighs. “There’s an unfortunate degree of snobbery in certain magical communities.”
“No shit,” Emma says. “Anyway, I was just what Margaret was looking for. A Potion Master who wasn’t registered with the main guild. Someone she could hire who wouldn’t be easy to trace and who no one would be keeping tabs on.”
Ruby reaches over and takes hold of Emma’s hand, giving it a squeeze.
My friend’s cheeks flush and her eyes dart away, but she doesn’t let go.
“Em was hired to provide recovery potions to keep me going when the exhaustion from the collar would become too much,” I explain.
Wolf Boy inhales sharply and his tail stops thumping against my leg.
Emma looks down. “I’m ashamed to admit I didn’t really pay much attention to the contract I signed. By the time I joined the household and learned what was really going on, I was stuck and couldn’t easily back out. I couldn’t do much to help Shae even though I tried.” She lifts her head. “Needless to say, I got in serious trouble for protesting Shae’s treatment and was eventually let go. However, the NDA I signed made it impossible for me to report anything, and my life was threatened just in case I thought otherwise.” Emma scowls. “Margaret has some powerful people who do her bidding, and I was placed under surveillance.”
“How were you able to help Shae then?” Cal asks.
Emma grins. “Never underestimate a Potion Master.”
Ruby perks up. “Ooh! I want to hear this one.”
“Well,” Emma says with a smirk, “first you need to realize that not all potions have to be ingested. There’s a lot that can be aerosolized and still made to be quite effective.”
“Tell me more,” Ruby purrs, leaning closer to her.
“I watched for a few weeks and quickly realized that it was a two-man team that would constantly stake out my apartment or follow me whenever I left. As Shae and I made our plans?—”
“Thanks to me!” Haku exclaims with pride, extending his wings and doing a full-body shimmy.
Emma smiles. “Yes, thanks to Haku secretly leaving the estate and exchanging handwritten messages between me and Shae, we were able to formulate our plan. Last night, before I left to help Shae, I climbed out the fire escape of my building and circled around to where the car with the duo watching me was parked. When I knocked on their window, one of them foolishly rolled it down and BAM! I sprayed them with some of my famous knockout potion.” Her grin becomes sharklike. “Worked like a charm. They were out in an instant and I hightailed it to pick up Shae.”
“Em had managed to secret out some necessary items to help me escape my prison cell on the estate and was able to give them to Haku, who covertly brought them back to me.” I shake my head. “It was a risky gambit, but I had to try it. I was relying on Em in ways I’d never done with anyone before.” I reach over and squeeze her hand. “Thank you.”
Emma gives me a watery smile. “I know I talk a good game, but I was scared shitless. Still, I couldn’t just sit back and leave you to suffer.”
“You were very brave,” Ruby says as she strokes Emma’s arm.
I can’t hold back an inward smile because I have a feeling those two might be an item before long. The chemistry is clearly mutual from the looks of things.
“Shae was very brave too,” Wolf Boy pipes up, puffing out his chest.
I’m rather moved that he wants to speak up for me even though he doesn’t really have to.
“I don’t know about brave,” I admit. “Mostly, I was driven by sheer desperation. I’d reached my limit and I didn’t know how much longer I could handle being a prisoner bound to serve Margaret and her daughter. I had to get out before either I lost my mind or she broke me to the point of no return.”
The very thought is terrifying now, but a part of me deep down knew I was close to losing it altogether if I didn’t get free.
Wolf Boy reaches out and strokes my hair again, ignoring Haku, who hisses at him with displeasure. His big amber eyes are clear and bright as they focus on me. “You were brave,” he repeats with conviction. “So very brave. I’m proud to call you my mate.”
I stiffen and look away. “I can’t?—”
He cuts me off with a bright smile. “It’s okay. You need time. I won’t rush you. And I’d never force you to do anything you don’t want. But I hope you’ll let me stay by your side and help you. No matter what you decide, you will always be the most important person in this world to me, and I want to help keep you safe. To help you find your happiness. Please,” he says earnestly, “let me stay by your side.”