Page 37 of Siren in the Rain
With long, powerful breaststrokes, I finally make my way to Shae’s side, where he is now lazily floating on his back in the water, his face upturned to the sun with a beatific expression.
“Pretty awesome, isn’t it?” I say softly.
His gorgeous blue eyes open and he smiles at me in a manner so radiant I can’t help but gasp.
“I’ve longed for the sea. My mother and I used to come every day.” His expression clouds. “But after she died, I wasn’t allowed to anymore.” He turns his face away, looking off in the distance. “No doubt they didn’t want me swimming away and escaping.”
He kicks a leg in the air and I marvel at his beautiful limbs. Just like he told me, they’re now covered in blue and silver scales, colors similar to his hair. They have an iridescent sheen that shimmers in the reflection of water and sunlight. In addition, his feet have grown longer, and web-like flippers have formed at the end.
No wonder he can move so fast!
“You’re so beautiful,” I whisper breathlessly.
Shae’s cheeks flush. “Uh… thank you.” He hesitates. “You don’t find it… weird?”
I shake my head and my ears flick water off them. “Not at all. I’ve grown up with many different Otherkind, and all the different species among us are unique and beautiful in their own ways.” I sigh. “If only humans could learn to see this as well, the world would be a much happier place.”
“I haven’t spent much time around fellow Otherkind. Not since I was very young. My mother had some friends, of course, but she didn’t see them often because my father was so against it.” He frowns. “Why she would change herself and abandon her friends for him, I’ll never know.”
An ache in my chest twinges at his words. “She loved him. We all do foolish things for love.”
He scoffs. “Not me. I’m never going to fall in love.”
I wince, trying not to take his words personally, but he seems to notice and regret flashes over his face for a moment.
“Sorry. I know you think we’re fated mates, but I’m sure it’s just an honest mistake. I don’t believe in that crap. It certainly didn’t work out in my mother’s favor.” His voice is bitter. “I still can’t help but think my mother would have been better off if she’d never met my father.”
“It’s true,” I say slowly, “that not all fated mates end up happily ever after. But that’s rarely the case between two Otherkind. More often, it’s when an Otherkind and a human are fated mates, and one or the other struggles to accept being with a member of a different species.”
Shae shifts to float on his back, a peaceful look on his face, and I mimic his position, letting the water carry my body.
“Humans suck,” Shae mutters. “Especially my dad.”
I don’t entirely disagree, but I also know that it isn’t always humans who reject mate bonds.
“While humans are usually the ones who snub such connections,” I explain carefully, putting on my serious voice, “once in a while it’s the other way around. Many Otherkind have had horrific experiences with humanity. They have been persecuted, maligned, abused, and neglected. Sometimes they’re unwilling to even entertain the notion of partnering with someone from a species that’s been so cruel and antagonistic toward them. It’s deeply tragic that your mother ended up in a situation like that, but I’m so grateful that you’re here—my fated mate, the only one I’ll ever have. And if I have to spend the rest of my life proving to you that my love and devotion for you are real, then I will.”
Shae gapes at me. “L-love?” he stutters. “You barely know me! You can’t love me.”
And yet I do, with every fiber of my being. His beautiful but battered soul calls to me in a way no other ever has.
“Enough talk,” I say, deciding I’ve pushed Shae far enough for now. “Let’s swim. Race you to the pier!” I yell and take off.
After a moment, he follows, and we splash through the water for the next few hours, racing one another across the waves—and I bask in the satisfaction of knowing I’ve been able to help bring my mate some joy by taking him somewhere he loves.
I only hope the sea can help begin to heal some of the deeper wounds no one can see.
Shae’s List of Life Goals
5. Swim in the ocean as much and as often as possible.
(Addendum: Swim, and maybe do other stuff, in the ocean with Wolf Boy)