Page 52 of Siren in the Rain
His words resonate deep within me, and I can’t breathe for a moment. While I don’t want to admit it, he’s right. That doesn’t really change my view—I’m still scared shitless. But maybe, just maybe, I can work toward learning more about fated mates and all it would entail before I make any final decisions.
“I’ll think about what you’ve said.”
Griffin grins at me. “Good. I’ll wait as long as it takes to convince you that I’ll treasure you and uplift you forever. I’ll show you the truth of what fated mates can be, even if it takes the rest of my life. I won’t mind because if I can be with you at your side, I’ll still be happy even if you won’t accept our bond.”
I swallow back an unexpected lump in my throat. It still feels like I’m taking advantage of him, but I do intend to build a friendship with this kindhearted man, at the very least.
“Now, come on. Let’s go home.” Griffin wraps an arm around my shoulders after giving me enough time to move away if I want to.
In fact, I find I really like it. I’ve become used to his touch and part of me craves it now. Dr. Greenwater has assured me this is normal since I spent so many years not receiving any kind of affectionate touch after my mother died.
My body is desperately trying to make up for it now. At the same time, however, it seems to be Griffin’s touch that I crave most every day. While I’m getting more comfortable with casual touches from the rest of the folks at the compound, it’s Griffin that I’m most at ease with.
Dr. Greenwater finally asked me if this perhaps is because we are indeed fated mates, and that was a tough question to answer. My immediate knee-jerk reaction had been to deny it. After all, Griffin also has strong empathic powers that help calm and soothe me whenever he’s near, which could possibly explain why I’m so comfortable with him. But the more time I spend with Griffin, the harder it becomes to deny that there’s a more powerful, deeper connection between us than just that.
Yet my mind constantly tries to warn me of all the catastrophic ways that could go wrong.
When we’re ready to leave, Dallas and Cal rejoin us at the park entrance and we all climb into the SUV to head back to the compound. During the drive, I lean my head against the window and stare blindly at the passing scenery. With no easy answers about me and Griffin, I turn my mind to other concerns. After all, I have bigger and more immediate things to worry about right now, including a visit from my maternal grandmother of the Silverstorm siren sept tomorrow.
Griff: You’re kind of my friend. Right, Magic 8-Coin?
Coin: Ask again later.
Griff: I’m on to you. Messing with me makes you happy.
Coin: Most likely.
Griff: I want to ask you more questions about my mate.
Coin: Fuck off. Cannot predict now.
Griff: Aww, come on! Is Shae gonna fall for me one day? I mean, I’m totally in love with him, and he’s so amazing and wonderful and… are you listening to me?
Coin: Zzzz…
—Private conversation between Griffin and his coin
For once, I wake up early and leave Shae alone with Haku, both still deep asleep.
Grabbing my gold coin, I whisper, “Did Shae enjoy our date yesterday?”
New writing starts to appear on the dragon side of the coin. All signs point to fuck yeah!
That makes me grin.
I toss the coin in the air with a soft whistle and put it in my pocket before I tiptoe out of the room and softly close the door behind me, making my way downstairs.
As usual, I find Harper sipping his requisite morning tea in the kitchen. Today, however, he’s not lounging in his usual pajamas and robe. Instead, he’s dressed in a classy, form-fitting women’s suit in a deep crimson color, paired with a white satin blouse and black stiletto heels. His long, dark hair is slicked into a sleek ponytail that hangs down his back.
I waggle my eyebrows. “Ooh. Going for the corporate look today?”
He winks at me over the rim of his teacup. “I am the liaison between us and the Silverstorm sept. It’s always best to start off on the right foot, professionally speaking.”