Page 65 of Siren in the Rain
To be fair, Silverstorm Island is an incredibly beautiful and tranquil place, and a much-needed reprieve from the hustle and bustle of LA. Out here, surrounded by sea and sun, it’s as if we’ve escaped into a world of our own. The quiet peace of this place already seems to be working a special magic on us both.
My often somewhat taciturn mate is more at ease than I’ve ever seen him.
I smile to myself. Most of Shae’s grumpy exterior is simply a defensive mask, the result of how long he’s had to protect himself and be on guard. With all my heart, I hope I get to see the day when he rises like a phoenix from the ashes and is able to become everything he’s meant to be.
When Grandma Coral finishes showing us around her beautiful home, she offers to take us on a tour of the town. We eagerly agree. Aunt Anemone stays behind, making preparations for lunch.
“Master Shae, may I go visit my family?” Haku asks, shifting from foot to foot on Shae’s shoulder.
“Of course, Haku.” Shae smiles. “I’d also like to meet them at some point before we leave, if I may.”
Haku bobs his head. “I’m sure they would be honored.”
“Have fun and try to check in with me at least once a day, okay?”
Haku chirrups happily and nudges Shae’s chin with his head a few times before he spreads his little wings and flies away.
Opening my empathic senses, I detect a hint of melancholy coming from my mate.
“You okay?” I ask.
“I think so. It’s weird for Haku not to be at my side all the time, but I know this is important for him too. Our relationship was a lot more codependent than most drake and sire dynamics because of the situation we were in.” He sighs. “We both need to learn to find more independence.”
It’s still only mid-morning and the sun is bright in the clear blue sky as we make our way down the hillside. Coral takes us down a private path that eventually leads into the quaint but small downtown area. The buildings on the main street are painted in a variety of colorful pastel shades and people greet one another with smiles and friendly salutations. It’s kind of like Cabot Cove in Murder, She Wrote—but with less murder, hopefully, and more sirens.
In other words, cute as hell.
I’m not entirely sure what the island’s population is, but I’d guess at least a couple hundred people, possibly more.
We wander down the cobblestones of Main Street and check out the various establishments through their front windows. There’s a shoebox-sized post office, a bank, a homestyle diner, a fish market, a coffee shop, and a general store among other shops. While the downtown is charming, it isn’t touristy, which makes sense since the sirens don’t allow outsiders on the island.
As we stroll along the street, we get curious gazes. Everyone knows Grandma Coral and we get stopped by numerous passersby. She takes the time to introduce us to each and every person we meet along the way, her obvious pride in being able to show off her grandson evident on her face.
For his part, Shae struggles to force a smile when he greets these strangers, and it isn’t long until I notice he’s getting overwhelmed. He doesn’t say anything, but I trust my instincts and take hold of his hand to ground him. I hum happily to myself when he doesn’t let go.
We follow Main Street as it winds out of town and toward a small public beach for the island’s residents. The inlet is packed and I’m surprised there are no lifeguards on duty; then again, I suppose most sirens wouldn’t really need them.
Plenty of folks are out in the water, swimming and splashing around noisily. Every now and again I catch a glimpse of shimmering scales on siren tails before they disappear under the water.
Shae gapes at the sight before him. “I’ve never seen sirens in the ocean together before. They’re amazing.”
Grandma Coral holds a hand over her brow to shield her eyes from the sun and stares out at the water. “We’re a small but vibrant group. There’ll be plenty of time for you to enjoy a swim with other members of the sept while you’re here.”
Eventually, we make our way back to the villa and enjoy lunch with Grandma Coral and Aunt Anemone out on a large veranda overlooking the ocean.
They keep the conversation light, telling us about the history of Silverstorm Island and things we can enjoy during our visit.
Afterward, Shae decides to have some downtime to process things and we retreat to our room. He collapses onto the bed with a groan.
“I don’t know why, but I’m exhausted already.”
Joining him on the comfy bed, I wrap my arms around him and pull him close, bathing him in my relaxation pheromones. “You had to do a lot of peopling today. More than you’re used to.”
“True,” he grumbles but presses into me.
My ears twitch. So stinkin’ cute!
“Give yourself a little credit. You’ve been adapting so well to your newfound freedom. It’s okay to take the time to rest and recharge when you need to.”