Page 71 of Siren in the Rain
I pat the mattress beside me, making his tail wag and a bright smile blossom on his face.
He dives onto the bed and curls his body around mine.
“That was some A-plus kissing, babe,” he murmurs in my ear.
I can’t help feeling smug. “Glad you liked it.”
He arches a golden eyebrow. “I liked it so much I nearly came in my pants. I think that should tell you everything you need to know.”
I can’t hold back a laugh, and something strange and fluttery rises up in my chest.
Happy, I admit to myself. I’m happy.
“I’m glad it felt so good for you. I really enjoyed it too, but I didn’t…” I trail off, my gaze turning to my lap and my mood taking a nosedive again.
Griffin seems to understand what I’m not saying. “You didn’t get hard?” I shake my head.
He takes my hand and pets it gently. “That’s okay. I tend to be a little excitable when it comes to you.”
Squeezing my eyes shut, I voice the fear I haven’t wanted to admit to anyone. “I think there might be something permanently wrong with me.”
I flail when he quickly yanks me into his arms and squeezes me in a tight embrace. “There is nothing wrong with you.” His words are fierce and his eyes burn with the fire of conviction. “You’re perfect just as you are. Your body simply isn’t ready for more in terms of physical intimacy yet and that’s completely fine. There’s no rush.”
Griffin is so kind and understanding, and I appreciate that, but the whole situation bothers me. In fact, it makes me really fucking pissed off.
That’s when I acknowledge it’s not okay with me. I want to be able to try everything with him.
“You don’t get it. I’d love to do those kinds of physical things. I’m twenty-five and I’ve never gotten laid. Never had a blow job. Fuck, I’ve never even had a hand job!”
Griffin reaches out and brushes the furrowed line of irritation between my brows. “Makes sense based on your previous circumstances.”
I pull away from him slightly and cross my arms. “That was my first kiss just now too,” I grumble.
Griffin’s cheeks turn bright red. “Wow. You’re a natural though.”
My chest swells with sudden pride, and I preen. “I have good instincts and I’m a fast learner.”
Griffin sighs dreamily. “I’m so lucky! The coin was right.”
Ah, yes. The Magic 8-Coin, as Griff likes to call it. I was incredibly dubious when he first told me about it, but I must admit, the thing does tend to have an uncanny knack for getting things correct.
He beams at me. “Thank you for letting me share your first kiss with you. It was amazing.”
Pleased with myself, I nod. “I’m amazed at my own innate talents. But, ahem, you were quite a good kisser as well.”
He pulls me closer, waggling his eyebrows. “Practice makes perfect.”
I snort.
He makes a ridiculous kissy face at me and I bust out laughing.
“There’s that smile I wanted to see again,” Griffin says. “As for the other stuff, you just need to give yourself time. That’s what Dr Greenwater told you, isn’t it?”
I reluctantly nod.
He looks into my eyes. “You don’t need to push yourself so hard. We have all the time in the world. And one day, when you’re ready, I hope that we can share some of that kind of pleasure with one another. Until then, I’m more than happy to make out with you to your heart’s content.” He flashes a cheeky grin that pops that deadly dimple of his. “I just may have to get up every now and again and go take care of myself in the bathroom. But you should view that as a compliment more than anything else.”
I bury my face in his chest, ridiculously touched by his words and feeling awkward as fuck about it.