Page 32 of Make Me Unwind
“Yes, darlin’, I do. And you take my dick like it’s meant for you. Only you.”
“Yes,” she gasps. “Yes, you do. With every lunge of your cock, I see stars.”
“Damn it.” I lose control and push into her at a frenzied pace. Stop. Get control. Fuck. I can’t stop.
“Yes! Right there. Fill me so full of you.” She shudders and screams as her orgasm overtakes her.
As her scream echoes in the room, her sex sucks at my dick, demanding I release inside of her as spurts of cum shoot out of me. Coating my length. I grind my teeth together and fall against her, with only my hand saving us from faceplanting.
Chapter Nineteen
The door bangs behind us, and I cringe as the sound echoes off the cement stones. The building is nondescript, likely an old post office or some other type of government building. Even though it’s an older building, the floors shine with wax, and the air smells faintly like lemon cleaner.
Asher squeezes my hand. “If you want me to take you back home, I can.”
“No. It’s fine. I should have expected security at a security company.” I give him a smirk as some of the tension eases.
Home. The word resonates in my head. Home is with Asher in a downtown condo that gives us easy access to the shopping and dining district. The condo has three bedrooms, a spacious living room, a kitchen, a dining area, and two full baths. And it has sturdy kitchen counters. I bite back a laugh as he leads me across the polished floor.
“Truman says there are three upper floors and two lower floors with computer labs, offices, this lobby, and a cafeteria. When he started, it was only him and a couple of other guys acting as private investigators, but as he gained clients, their reputation expanded and increased to assisting government operations and some undercover police backup.”
“That’s an impressive pedigree.”
“It is. They install and monitor security systems, provide onsite security, bodyguard services, and–”
“Asher.” A man in a black T-shirt and matching cargo pants, paired with combat boots, joins us by the lobby elevators. “You’re already a walking endorsement for us.” He shoves out his hand and clasps Asher’s inside his. “It’s great to see you.”
They laugh and shift into a handshake/hug while patting each other on the back. Asher steps back. “Piper, this is Cade. Cade, this is Piper. We were in the service together until he was injured a couple of years before I was.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Cade takes my outstretched hand. “Thank you for convincing this guy to join us.”
“I didn’t–”
“Yes, you did.” Asher wraps his arm around my shoulders as I step back from Cade. “If I hadn’t met you, it would’ve likely been another year before I found my way out of my parent’s basement.”
His praise of me continues to throw me off balance. It’s not like I did anything special.
“Yes, you did.” He kisses my temple as if he’s reading my doubt. “Let’s make our way to Truman’s office.”
Cade leads the way and pokes the top floor button on the elevator panel. “My wife, Lola, works here also. You’ll meet her at some point. Let me show you photos of my son.” There’s no way to miss the proud and happy expression on his face. He digs his wallet out and shoves a string of photos in front of us.
God, that kid is gorgeous. Black hair, blue eyes, his daddy’s grin. He’s going to be a heartbreaker. A slight twinge hits me, but I shove it down. Yes, I want kids. But later. Not now. I want to enjoy Asher, finish school, and find my footing in life first.
We sit across from the man once we’re ushered into Truman’s office. Around the room are countless screens playing news feeds from around the world. His desk is enormous. Wooden. Sturdy. And covered in paper.
As if Cade catches my bewildered gaze as I take in the space, he says, “Truman is a strategic genius but has distrust for computers, and while he keeps everything else military tight, it doesn’t seem to reach his desk.”
“Sue me.” Truman quickly glares at Cade, but it’s friendly rather than venomous. He returns his attention to us and embarks on his spiel regarding the services they provide until my stomach is clenched in a knot.
I grip Asher’s hand as it rests on the arm of his chair. “What exactly would Asher be doing for you?”
Truman leans back into his chair and crosses his arms over his enormous chest. “To start with computer investigation and surveillance.”
Cade sits with one leg on the edge of the desk, and the other leg propping him up. “While our operations can be dangerous, typically, they’re low-key affairs.”
“It all sounds interesting.”